The University of Adelaide

Australian Cereal Rust Control Program - Freeling Wheat 2012 Field Plot Yield Tests

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posted on 2023-10-08, 09:11 authored by Ian Dundas, Peng Zhang, Julia Humphries

Field plot yield test data for the Angus, Westonia, and HUW234 wheat lines, for experiments conducted in Freeling, SA in 2012 by the University of Adelaide as part of the Australian Cereal Rust Control Program.

The Excel spreadsheet Freeling genotypes 2008.xlsx contains data collected for the background of the wheat lines (including the line name and the seed source). The lines were planted on the 30th of May 2012 across 48 plots, and the yield (in grams) was measured for each plot.


GRDC contract code


GRDC project title

Australian Cereal Rust Control Program - Novel sources of stem rust resistance from uncultivated wild relatives of wheat

Contact email address

Start date for this data collection


End date for this data collection


Spatial coverage

Freeling, South Australia.

Access rights type

  • Open