The University of Adelaide

Flea Creek Valley Data, Apr to Jul 2014

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Version 2 2018-12-17, 22:43
Version 1 2018-12-14, 03:46
posted on 2018-12-17, 22:43 authored by Rachael Quill, Jason Sharples
Meteorological observations taken across Flea Creek Valley, NSW between 15th April and 11th July 2014.

Equipment and Specifications
Eleven Davis Vantage Pro 2TM Portable Automatic Weather Stations with cup anemometer and weather vane, using in built data loggers.

Record Interval: 30 minute.
Wind Speed (ms-1), accuracy of 0.4ms-1, observed at 5 metres above ground level (agl).
Wind Direction (deg), 22.5degree bins, observed at 5m agl.
Temperature (deg celcius), observed at 2m agl.
Relative Humidity (%), observed at 2m agl.
Solar Radiation (kW), observed at 2m agl.
High Wind speed (ms-1), observed at 5m agl.
High Wind Direction (deg), 22.5degree bins, observed at 5m agl.

Detailed weather station specs are given in accompanying references, and more information can be found at

Topography details are derived from ArcGIS analysis at 90m resolution using SRTM Digital Elevation Model.


Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre
