The University of Adelaide

Human Head Vertex Impact Resources - Force-Displacement Data

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Deformation and force data for 22 isolated human cephalus (heads) subjected to single dynamic impact events, in a drop tower.

The spreadsheet contains two tabs.

The first tab "Deformation" contains Deformation data, in units of [mm]. The columns correspond to the specimens (IDs are given in the first line), and the second row indicates the nominal impact velocity.

The second tab "Force" contains axial force data, in units of [N]. The columns correspond to the specimens (IDs are given in the first line), and the second row indicates the nominal impact velocity.

Test protocol, specimen information, and data collection and post-processing details are provided in detail in the following manuscript:

Thompson-Bagshaw DW, Quarrington RD, Dwyer AM, Jones NR, Jones CF. The Structural Response of the Human Head to a Vertex Impact. Ann Biomed Eng. 2023 Dec;51(12):2897-2907. doi: 10.1007/s10439-023-03358-z. Epub 2023 Sep 21. PMID: 37733109.


Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP190101209 (CFJ)

Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship (DTB)
