Optimising Plant Establishment 2019 Birchip Seeder Demonstration
Data from the 2019 Birchip seeder demonstration conducted in Mallee, VIC. The demonstration trial compared the performance of commercially-available conventional seeders and precision seeders in establishing Stingray-variety canola crops at two different sowing rates (3.5kg/ha vs 1.75kg/ha). The demonstration was run as part of the UOA1803-009RTX GRDC research project led by the University of Adelaide, with the demonstration and data collection handled locally in VIC by the Birchip Cropping Group (BCG).
Files:2019 Birchip Seeder demonstration.xlsx
Experiment setup:The demonstration trial was managed locally by the Birchip Cropping Group. The trial layout comprised three replicates of 6 commercial seeders (4 using conventional seeders, and 2 using precision planters), sowing to two different sowing rates (3.5kg/ha vs 1.75kg/ha), with a 50m trial area for each seeder and a separate demonstration area.
Variables recorded:establishment count (plants/m2), interplant distance (cm), yield (t/ha)
Data collection and assessment:Stingray Canola was sown to a seed depth of 2cm, and the plots were fertilised using MAP @ 40kg/ha. Establishment counts were taken for each seeder on 08/05/2019, 13/05/2019, 20/05/2019 and 23/05/2019, with plant averages per plot taken on 05/06/2019. Interplant distances were calculated for each seeder, and the grain yield (in t/ha) was recorded at harvest.
GRDC contract code
UOA1803-009RTXGRDC project title
Optimising plant establishment, density and spacings to maximise crop yield and profit in the southern and western regionsContact email address
library@adelaide.edu.auStart date for this data collection
2019-01-01End date for this data collection
2019-12-31Spatial coverage
Mallee region, VIC.Access rights type
- Open