Optimising Plant Establishment 2019 Hart Lentil Experiment
Data from the 2019 crop establishment trial at Hart, SA. The trial compared the establishment of lentil at different seeding rates, under a conventional cone seeder and under a precision seeder, and at two different row spacings (a narrow row spacing of 22.9cm and a wide row spacing of 30.5cm). The experiment was run under the UOA1803-009RTX GRDC research project led by the University of Adelaide, and the experiment and data collection were managed locally in Hart by the Hart Field-Site Group.
Files:2019 Hart Lentil.xlsx
Experiment setup:Experiment managed locally by the Hart Field-Site Group. The trial was organised as a split plot design, with 4 whole plot treatments (conventional seeder: wide row spacing, conventional seeder: narrow row spacing, precision seeder: wide row spacing, precision seeder: narrow row spacing), and 6 subplot treatments (40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 seeds/m2). The design was arranged spatially in 3 columns with 32 rows, 4 replicates, for 96 total plots.
Variables recorded:establishment count (plants/m2), soil moisture (%), seedling depth (mm), interplant distance (cm), NDVI, stubble rating, GS65 biomass dry weight (t/ha), harvest biomass dry weight (g), harvest index, yield (t/ha), 1000 grain weight (g), seeds/m2
Data collection and assessment:The paddock was seeded on 14/05/2019 (with the wide-row spacing precision seeder plots sown on 15/05/2019). Plant emergence counts and soil moisture readings (via handheld probe) were made across rows 2 and 3 in specified plots on 24/05/2019, 27/05/2019, 31/05/2019, 06/06/2019 and 21/06/2019. A final emergence count and the interplant distances in all plots were made on 09/07/2019. Seedling depth was measured and recorded on 24/07/2019, and NDVI readings were made on 18/07/2019 and 02/08/2019. A stubble assessment of the paddock was made on 06/08/2019. The Growth Stage 65 flowering biomass cuts were made on 23/09/2019 and the dry weight recorded in t/ha. The harvest index biomass cuts were made on 18/10/2019. At harvest on 29/10/2019, the yield (t/ha) and 1000 grain weight (g) were recorded.
GRDC contract code
UOA1803-009RTXGRDC project title
Optimising plant establishment, density and spacings to maximise crop yield and profit in the southern and western regionsContact email address
library@adelaide.edu.auStart date for this data collection
2019-01-01End date for this data collection
2019-12-31Spatial coverage
Hart experiment site, SA.Access rights type
- Open