Optimising Plant Establishment 2021 Roseworthy Canola Weed Competition Experiment
Data from the 2021 crop establishment trial at Roseworthy, SA. The trial aimed to examine weed competition on canola establishment when the canola was sown at different target densities, under a conventional cone seeder and under a precision seeder. The experiment was run under the UOA1803-009RTX GRDC research project led and managed by the University of Adelaide.
Files:2021 Roseworthy canola.xlsx
Experiment setup:The trial was organised as a randomised complete block design with 24 treatments (factorial combinations of: cone vs precision seeder, target density (10, 20, 40, 50 plants/m2), and three densities of sown competitional ryegrass/barley (Nil, 100 and 200)), arranged spatially in two columns containing 2 replicates each, for a total of 96 plots. The establishment of the weeds (rygrass/barley) was very poor however, and there was essentially no weed competition throughout the trial.
Variables recorded:establishment count (plants/m2), interplant distance (cm), NDVI, bird damage (m), yield (t/ha), 500-seed weight, seeds/m2
Data collection and assessment:The paddock was sown on 31/05/2021, with competitional annual ryegrass sown on 01/06/2021. However, the ryegrass germination appeared to have failed by 22/06/2021, so barley was sown instead. On 28/06/2021 plant establishment counts for the canola crop were taken across 2 rows x 3 metres, with plant emergence counts made on a third row on 08/07/2021. Interplant distances were also measured on 08/07/2021. By 08/07/2021 the barley seed had not germinated yet, so barley was resown in the plots on 13/07/2021. NDVI measurements were made 4 separate times, on 05/08/2021, 12/08/2021, 19/08/2021 and 24/08/2021. On 24/11/2021 visual assessment was made of bird damage within the plots, assessed as an estimated length (in metres) of the plot that was affected. At harvest on 02/12/2021 the grain yield (t/ha) and 500-seed weight were measured.
GRDC contract code
UOA1803-009RTXGRDC project title
Optimising plant establishment, density and spacings to maximise crop yield and profit in the southern and western regionsContact email address
library@adelaide.edu.auStart date for this data collection
2021-01-01End date for this data collection
2021-12-31Spatial coverage
University of Adelaide, Roseworthy Campus, SA.Access rights type
- Open