The University of Adelaide

Original data supporting results in the paper: Steggles EK, Facelli JM, Ainsley PJ and Pound LM (2019 in print) Biological soil crust and vascular plant interactions in Western Myall (Acacia papyrocarpa) open woodland in South Australia" Journal of Vegetation Science

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posted on 2019-05-08, 03:26 authored by Emma Steggles, Jose FacelliJose Facelli, Phillip Ainsley, Leanne Pound
Original data supporting results in the paper:

Emma K. Steggles, José M. Facelli, Phillip J. Ainsley and Leanne M. Pound (2019 in print) Biological soil crust and vascular plant interactions in Western Myall (Acacia papyrocarpa) open woodland in South Australia. Journal of Vegetation Science.
