The University of Adelaide

Raspi Flat field Images - Camera 01

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posted on 2019-04-06, 08:27 authored by Richard Matthews, Nickolas FalknerNickolas Falkner, Matthew SorellMatthew Sorell
Various single flat field images taken with different integrated lenses using a Raspberry Pi V2 camera at 30°C.

The set contains 3669 flat field images per set in TIFF and JPEG format. Each image is approximattely16.2MB in size. Each JPEG image is 10.5MB. Each camera set is approximately 48GB in size.

Images are captured in JPEG format with Bayer 10-bit raw data appended to the end of the file. This is extracted using DCRAW. Full research methodology for obtaining these images can be read in DOI:10.1016/j.diin.2019.02.002

File structure:
Each compressed folder contains one camera's data. This is then segregated into subfolders which contains six folders representing each discrete lens used in the data collection process. This is combined with six pinhole lenses that were also used in the data collection process. Each of these folders is divided into a JPEG folder which contains the raw output of the sensor and a TIFF folder which contains the DCRAW converted images. The TIFF folder is then broken down into the images and a seperate folder called Fingerprint which contains the 50 images used to construct a reference pattern for the camera with that discrete lens.

The image is stored as a file name "BAYERYYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.tiff" where YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS represent standard ISO time stamp format.

Example Tree for Raspi01
|-- Lens-01
| |--JPEG
| | |-- BAYER20170926-082159.jpg
| | |-- BAYER20170926-082205.jpg
| | | ...
| | |-- BAYER20170926-084017.jpg
| |
| |--TIFF
| | | fingerprint
| | | | -- BAYER20170926-083446.tiff
| | | | -- BAYER20170926-083452.tiff
| | | | ...
| | | | -- BAYER20170926-084017.tiff
| | |
| | |-- BAYER20170926-082159.tiff
| | |-- BAYER20170926-082205.tiff
| | | ...
| | |-- BAYER20170926-083440.tiff
|-- Lens-02
|-- Lens-03
|-- Lens-04
|-- Lens-05
|-- Lens-06
|-- Pinhole-01
|-- Pinhole-02
|-- Pinhole-03
|-- Pinhole-04
|-- Pinhole-05
|-- Pinhole-05


This research is supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship.
