The University of Adelaide

Raw and derived data: The quantification of downhole fractionation for laser ablation mass spectrometry

posted on 2024-09-17, 12:25 authored by Jarred LloydJarred Lloyd, Sarah GilbertSarah Gilbert

Two zip files containing data used in the publication "The quantification of downhole fractionation for laser ablation mass spectrometry".

The zip file "RawData" contains the original data outputs (CSV files) from the Agilent mass spectometers. These are analyses of existing or potential reference materials for use in laser ablation geochronology.

The zip file "DerivedData" contains two CSV files generated by the accompanying Julia code that processes data in preparation for fitting orthogonal polynomials that quantify the dowhnhole fractionation of these analyses and generates the figures for the publication.

See also:
