The University of Adelaide

Supplementary material from: Modelling the distribution of a wide-ranging invasive species using the sampling efforts of expert and citizen scientists.

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Version 2 2019-04-19, 05:58
Version 1 2019-04-19, 04:46
posted on 2019-04-19, 05:58 authored by Emilie Roy-Dufresne, Frédérik Saltré, Brian CookeBrian Cooke, Camille Mellin, Gregory Mutze, Tarnya Cox, Damien FordhamDamien Fordham
1- Results for the models calibrated with Weigted Pts pseudo-absences for the paper 'Modelling the distribution of a wide-ranging invasive species using the sampling efforts of expert and citizen scientists'.
2- Final figure of the probability of distribution of rabbits in black and white.
3- Final figure of the probability of distribution of rabbits in ASC format.
