The University of Adelaide

Supplemental Material: High thermal gradient continental subduction initiated by back-arc collapse – evidence from remote south-west Tasmania

posted on 2024-05-14, 07:37 authored by Dillon Brown

Supplementary material for Brown (2024), PhD thesis - Chapter 8 - High thermal gradient continental subduction initiated by back-arc collapse – evidence from remote south-west Tasmania

Extended methods.

Figure S1. Extended mineral equilibria forward modelling results. Clinoamphibole is excluded from equilibria calculations. (a) P–T pseudosection for the bulk-rock composition of sample NB-64, calculated at H2O-saturated conditions. The dashed white line indicates garnet stable (up-pressure). (b) P–T pseudosection for an effective bulk-rock composition of sample NB-64, excluding garnet core compositions. The dashed white line is the solidus. The chemical system used for all calculations is MnNCKFMASHTO. V signifies the variance of each mineral assemblage.

Table S1. Representative EPMA results for solid solution minerals. Major element oxide compositions are given in wt%.

Table S2. Ti-in-quartz thermometry results. Ti (ppm) concentrations acquired using EPMA. Temperatures calculated using the calibration of Osborne et al. (2022).

Table S3. Additional details for laser-ablation and ICP–MS instruments used in this study.

Table S4. LA–ICP–MS major element and REE results for garnet. Elemental data is provided for synthetic glass standards GSG-1G and NIST-610. Eu/Eu* calculation is provided below Table. (bd) signifies below detection.

Table S5. LA–ICP–MS/MS Lu–Hf isotope results for apatite and garnet. Major and trace-element data for a small selection of isotopes is provided. Data is also provided for primary reference material NIST-610, 'pseudo-primary' reference materials OD306 and Hogsbo, and secondary reference materials Bamble and Black Point. (Sm/Ce)N values given for apatite unknowns (right of table). Normalisation values (chondrite) from Sun and McDonough (1989).

Table S6. LA–ICP–MS U–Pb isotope results for rutile. Major and trace-element data for a small selection of isotopes is provided. Data is also provided for rutile standards R10 and R19, and for synthetic glass standard NIST-610. Zr-in-rutile temperatures calculated using the calibration of Tomkins et al. (2007). A pressure of 18 kbar was used.


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