The University of Adelaide

Supplemental Material: The metamorphic footprint of western Laurentia preserved in subducted rocks from southern Australia

posted on 2024-05-14, 07:37 authored by Dillon Brown

Supplementary material for Brown (2024), PhD thesis - Chapter 6 - The metamorphic footprint of western Laurentia preserved in subducted rocks from southern Australia

Figure S1. Raman spectrum of kyanite armoured within c. 1240 Ma coarse-grained garnet in sample FMC-1b and band assignments. Shown for comparison is the Raman spectrum of kyanite (532 nm) from the RRUFF database (ID R050450).

Figure S2. Zircon probability density distribution plots for western North America and southern North America. Dates from the upper Belt-Purcell Basin (and correlative Marqueñas Formation) and the lower Belt-Purcell Basin (and correlative Yankee Joe, Defiance, Black Jack, Piedra Lumbre, and Piegan formations) are obtained from Ross and Villeneuve (2003), Stewart et al. (2010), Jones et al. (2011), Doe et al. (2012), Doe et al. (2013), and Daniel et al. (2013). Dates from the Unkar Group and correlatives are obtained from the compiled data set provided by Mulder et al. (2018). εHf values for detrital zircon from the Franklin Metamorphic Complex, Rocky Cape Group, and the Clark Group superimposed on zircon εHf values from the upper Belt-Purcell Basin (UBP), lower Belt-Purcell Basin (LBP), Laurentian basement rocks (LA), Transantarctic basement rocks (TAM), and Unkar Group rocks (UG). Summary of εHf references: RCG (Mulder et al., 2015, 2018), CG (Mulder et al., 2018), BP (Stewart et al., 2010; Doe et al., 2013), LA (Bickford et al., 2008; Hull, 2013; Wooden et al., 2013), TAM (Goodge & Vervoort, 2006; Goodge et al., 2008; Veevers & Saeed, 2011), UG (Mulder et al., 2018 and references therein). Abbreviations: CHUR (chondritic uniform reservoir), DM (depleted mantle).

Table S1. LA–ICP–MS U–Pb isotope results for FMC-17 detrital zircon. U–Pb isotope data is provided for zircon standards GJ-1, Plesovice, and 91500. (bd) signifies below detection.

Table S2. LA (SS)–ICP–MS U–Pb isotope results for FMC-17 detrital zircon. U–Pb isotope data is provided for zircon standards 91500, GJ-1, Plesovice, OG1, and QGNG. (bd) signifies below detection.

Table S3. LA (SS)–ICP–MS Lu-Hf isotope results for FMC-17 detrital zircon. Lu-Hf isotope data is provided for zircon standards mudtank, 91500, GJ-1, Plesovice, OG1, and QGNG. U–Pb ages used to calculate time-integrated Hf ratios are from both LA–ICP–MS and LA (SS)–ICP–MS analysis. Where the locations of Lu–Hf analyses on zircon grains correspond to the locations of previous U–Pb analyses using LA–ICP–MS, Hf(i) and εHf values are calculated using the U–Pb ages from LA–ICP–MS (red text; Table S1).

Table S4. Additional details for laser-ablation and ICP–MS instruments used in this study.

Table S5. LA–ICP–MS major element, REE and U–Pb isotope results for zircon in samples FMC-1b and FMC-2c. Elemental data is provided for zircon standards GJ, Plesovice, and 91500, and for synthetic glass standard NIST-610. Normalisation using chondrite values from Sun and McDonough (1989). Eu/Eu* calculation is provided below Table. For FMC-1b zircon analyses, bold green = concordant Cambrian, bold yellow = concordant early to middle Mesoproterozoic, and bold grey = concordant early Palaeoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic. (bd) signifies below detection. Pb is Pb(204).

Table S6. LA–ICP–MS major element and REE results for FMC-1b and FMC-2c porphyroblastic garnet. Elemental data is provided for synthetic glass standard NIST-612 and standard GSG-1G. Normalisation using chondrite values from Sun and McDonough (1989). Eu/Eu* calculation is provided below Table. (bd) signifies below detection.

Table S7. Representative EPMA results for solid solution minerals in samples FMC-1b and FMC-2c. Major element oxide compositions are given in wt%.

Table S8. Ti-in-quartz thermometry results. Ti (ppm) concentrations acquired from armoured quartz inclusions in Mesoproterozoic-aged garnet using EPMA. Temperatures calculated using the method of Osborne et al. (2022).

Table S9. REE partition coefficients calculated for the average composition of c. 1480–1235 Ma zircon (population 2) and the compositions of individual c. 1240 Ma garnet analyses from FMC-1b. Average garnet compositions for core, mantle, and rim are given. Normalisation using chondrite values from Sun and McDonough (1989).

Table S10. Compilation of geochronological, lithological, and thermobarometric data from rocks located in north-west Tasmania, central-west Tasmania, and the Belt-Purcell Basin.


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