The University of Adelaide

Supplemental Material: Zircon petrochronology and mineral equilibria of the eclogites from western Tasmania: Interrogating the early Palaeozoic East Gondwana subduction record

posted on 2024-05-14, 07:37 authored by Dillon Brown

Supplementary material for Brown (2024), PhD thesis - Chapter 4 - Zircon petrochronology and mineral equilibria of the eclogites from western Tasmania: Interrogating the early Palaeozoic East Gondwana subduction record

Figure S1. Annotated P–Mo section calculated for the bulk-rock composition of sample FMC-1. The interpreted peak metamorphic assemblage is signified in bold. White dashed lines represent the end-member boundaries between solid solution minerals clinopyroxene and epidote. The bold black dashed line represents the constrained Fe3+ (Fe2O3 = 3.68 wt%) determined from minimum and maximum mineral compositions, which are contoured with grey lines. The chemical system, temperature, and bulk-rock compositions (in mol%) are given above the pseudosection. V signifies the variance of each mineral assemblage.

Figure S2. Annotated P–Mo section calculated for the bulk-rock composition of sample FMC-9. The interpreted peak metamorphic assemblage is signified in bold. White dashed lines represent the end-member boundaries between solid solution minerals clinopyroxene and epidote. The bold black dashed line represents the constrained Fe3+ (Fe2O3 = 0.33 wt%) determined from minimum and maximum mineral compositions, which are contoured with grey lines. The chemical system, temperature, and bulk-rock compositions (in mol%) are given above the pseudosection. V signifies the variance of each mineral assemblage.

Figure S3. TCInvestigator modelled mineral composition isopleths (a-e) and mineral modal proportions (f-k) in mol%. Calculated for pseudosection FMC-1 in Figure 4.10.

Figure S4. TCInvestigator modelled mineral composition isopleths in mol%. Calculated for pseudosection FMC-9 in Figure 4.9.

Table S1. Representative EPMA results for primary solid solution minerals in samples FMC-1 and FMC-9. (i) signifies that the mineral is an inclusion. Numerical definitions for the notations quoted in the text (mineral chemistry section) are provided below.

Table S2. LA–ICP–MS major and trace-element results for garnet. Trace-element data is provided for synthetic glass standard NIST-612 and standard GSG-1G. (bd) signifies below detection. Percent uncertainties (2σ) for each rare-earth element (La-Lu) are provided below the Table.

Table S3. LA–ICP–MS major element, trace-element and U-Pb isotope results for zircon in mafic samples FMC-1 and FMC-9. U-Pb isotope data and trace-element data is provided for zircon standards GJ, Plesovice and 91500. Trace-element data is provided for synthetic glass standard NIST-610. (bd) signifies below detection. Pb is Pb(204).

Table S4. LA–ICP–MS major element, trace-element and U-Pb isotope results for rutile. U-Pb isotope data and trace-element data is provided for rutile standards R10 and R19. Major and trace-element data is provided for synthetic glass standard NIST-610. Temperatures calculated from Zr-in-rutile using the calibration of Tomkins et al. (2007) are provided at pressures corresponding to the approximately constrained peak pressures of samples FMC-1 and FMC-9. (bd) signifies below detection. Pb is Pb(208). 2σ refer to propagated uncertainties.


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