The University of Adelaide

UNHaRMED - Unified Natural Hazard Risk Mitigation Exploratory Decision Support System

Version 2 2023-10-10, 06:47
Version 1 2019-05-30, 07:52
posted on 2023-10-10, 06:47 authored by Holger MaierHolger Maier, Graeme Riddell, Hedwig van DeldenHedwig van Delden, Aaron ZecchinAaron Zecchin, Graeme DandyGraeme Dandy, Sofanit Girma Araya
UNHaRMED is a spatial decision support system (DSS) designed to support policy makers in considering the long term impacts of disaster risk, mitigation and land use planning. The DSS integrates various hazard models and calculates risk dynamically using demographic, infrastructure and environmental data to explore future disaster risk. Model components include hazards (coastal inundation, riverine floods, bushfires, earthquakes, heatwaves), land use change, building stock vulnerability, social vulnerability, climate change, demographic and population change and economic change. The DSS allows decision makers, policy analysts and others in strategic and risk reduction planning to consider how the risk from multiple hazards changes with economic and population change. It also allows for the implementation of risk reduction options, including structural measures, land use planning changes, building hardening, changes to building codes and community education, thereby changing social vulnerability.


Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC
