Virtual hydrological time series for flood frequency analysis
This virtual time series of daily rainfall and streamflow and hydrological model states for 10,000 years for eight sites was created to enable the testing of approaches used to estimate the flood frequency distribution. The eight sites represent rainfall characteristics from eight major cities in Australia (Adelaide, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney), because they provide a wide cross-section of Australian climatology. They range from Mediterranean (Adelaide, Perth and Melbourne) with wet winters and hot dry summers, to temperate; warm summers and mild winters with uniform rainfall (Sydney), to subtropical (Brisbane) with wet summers and dry winters, to tropical (Darwin) with distinct wet and dry seasons, to desert (Alice Spring) with erratic rainfall in summer and spring.
The simulations were generated using the DRIP stochastic rainfall model and the GR4J hydrological model. The files contain the daily rainfall, streamflow and all the hydrological model states from DRIP. Refer to Li et al (2015) for further information.