The University of Adelaide

Workers' population from July 2005 to June 2018 with estimated indoor/outdoor stratification in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney

posted on 2022-12-21, 08:28 authored by Matthew BorgMatthew Borg


The workforce dataset contains monthly workforce sizes from July 2005 to June 2018 in the eight Australian capital cities with estimated stratification by indoor and outdoor workers. It is included in both csv and rda format. It includes variables for:

  • Year
  • Month
  • GCCSA (Greater Capital City Statistical Area, which is used to define capital cities)
  • Date (using the first day of the month)
  • fulltime: Fulltime workers
  • parttime: Parttime workers
  • n. Overall workers
  • outorin. Estimated indoor or outdoor status

This data are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, LM1 dataset: LM1 - Labour force status by age, greater capital city and rest of state (ASGS), marital status and sex, February 1978 onwards (pivot table). Occupational data from the 2006, 2011 and 2016 Census of Population and Housing (ABS Census TableBuilder Basic data) were used to stratify this dataset into indoor and outdoor classifications as per the "Indooroutdoor classification.xlsx" file. For the Census data, GCCSA for the place of work was used, not the place of usual residence.

Occupations were defined by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). Each 6-digit ANZSCO occupation (the lowest level classification) was manually cross-matched with their corresponding occupation(s) from the Canadian National Occupation System (NOC). ANZSCO and NOC share a similar structure, because they are both derived from the International Standard Classification of Occupations. NOC occupations listed with an “L3 location” (include main duties with outdoor work for at least part of the working day) were classified as outdoors, including occupations with multiple locations. Occupations without a listing of "L3 location" were classified as indoors (no outdoor work). 6-digit ANZSCO occupations were then aggregated to 4-digit unit groups to match the ABS Census TableBuilder Basic data. These data were further aggregated into indoor and outdoor workers.

The 4-digit ANZSCO unit groups’ indoor and outdoor classifications are listed in "Indooroutdoor classification.xlsx."

ANZSCO occupations associated with both indoor and outdoor listings were classified based on the more common listing, with indoors being selected in the event of a tie. The cross-matching of ANZSCO and NOC occupation was checked against two previous cross-matches used in published Australian studies utilising older ANZSCO and NOC versions. One of these cross-matches, the original cross-match, was validated with a strong correlation between ANZSCO and NOC for outdoor work (Smith, Peter M. Comparing Imputed Occupational Exposure Classifications With Self-reported Occupational Hazards Among Australian Workers. 2013).

To stratify the ABS Labour Force detailed data by indoors or outdoors, workers from the ABS Census 2006, 2011 and 2016 data were first classified as indoors or outdoors. To extend the indoor and outdoor classification proportions from 2005 to 2018, the population counts were (1) stratified by workplace GCCSA (standardised to the 2016 metrics), (2) logit-transformed and then interpolated using cubic splines and extrapolated linearly for each month, and (3) back-transformed to the normal population scale. For the 2006 Census, workplace location was reported by Statistical Local Area and then converted to GCCSA. This interpolation method was also used to estimate the 1-monthly worker count for Darwin relative to the rest of Northern Territory (ABS worker 1-monthly counts are reported only for Northern Territory collectively).

ABS data are owned by the Commonwealth Government under a CC BY 4.0 license. The attached datasets are derived and aggregated from ABS data.


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