Supplementary Fig. 1: Maternal body weight increased
more in dams with larger litters. Body weight of pregnant mice with
small (< 7 pups, ●, N = 6), normal
(7 - 9 pups, □, N = 20), or large (10
- 11 pups, ■, N = 5) litter sizes are
shown during pregnancy, with data for non-pregnant mice (○, N = 12) on age-matched days. Body weight
during acclimatization (Acc) represents the average body weight in the last two
days of acclimatization. Values are mean ± SEM. * P < 0.05 and ** P
<0.01 compared to maternal body weight with a large litter size of 10 -11
pups, litter size effect, linear mixed model and Bonferroni pairwise comparisons.