The University of Adelaide

Miyawaki Miniforests and Smart Green Networks Online Symposium

posted on 2023-11-15, 04:28 authored by Scott HawkenScott Hawken

The Miyawaki Method of forestry is an innovative Japanese approach to the cultivation of biodiverse forests within cities and regional landscapes. By introducing biodiversity back into human settlements both Japan and Australia stand to benefit through greater health, productivity, and industry-community-academic engagement. The Miyawaki Method of biodiverse forestry is an emerging global phenomenon that has inspired industry leaders, communities, and environmental practitioners around the world. This project will tap into this global trend and leverage Australian and Japanese expertise to position the nations as leaders in the area of biodiverse forestry. The Miyawaki Mini Forests project involves the establishment of a knowledge-sharing network on biodiverse forestry. It will initiative this in two specific ways: an international symposium and the documentation and sharing of a series of pilot projects and case studies in Australia and Japan. The University of Adelaide’s School of Architecture and Built Environment and Kyushu University's Faculty of Design will host the symposium and establish a network of community organizations, businesses, professionals, and scientists to develop and share the benefits of biodiverse forests. The knowledge-sharing “smart green network” will assist industry, communities, and local organizations throughout Australia, Japan, and globally. This resource and item is a recording of the public online event held in 2022.


GA202925 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
