The University of Adelaide

Genomic Rabbit GBS (genotyping-by-sequencing) Libraries

online resource
posted on 2017-08-14, 00:38 authored by Nina Schwensow
Complexity reduced genomic library of wild European Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) caught in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. The data were generated following the GBS (genotyping by sequencing, Elshire et al 2011). The data collection consists of genomic data generated from a population of rabbits sampled in 1995, before RHDV came to Australia, and another dataset from the same population sampled in 2012, after 17 years of RHD-driven selection on the rabbit genomes. This data collection is currently in development and another dataset generated with the same method will be added for another population. This dataset will consist of samples from rabbits that survived RHD infection (=resistant individuals) and a comparable dataset from rabbits that were deadly infected. A third dataset will be added that consists of RHD virus sequencing data. Virus will be isolated from rabbits that had died from RHD, from rabbit blood samples and vectors (flies). The data are currently organised across several databases, but will be consolidated into one database upon project completion.

The collection contains raw data (.fq) as well as sequence data in a range of formats (.bam, .sam, .fa, .fasta, .tsv, .txt, .xls).


DE120102821, (University of Adelaide Projects) Molecular genetic adaptive processes in natural co-evolution between rabbits and the rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus
