This collection contains datasets used by the University of Adelaide
hydroclimatology group, most of which has been obtained from third-party
providers. Data include:
(1) Australian rainfall data (from 20,000 gauges at resolutions down to 5
minutes) from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
(2) Radar data (three-dimensional images from radar) from the Bureau of
(3) Climate model data from the Climate Model Intercomparison
Project(CMIP) (
(4) Regional climate model outputs from the University of NSW
(5) Australian catchment classifications
(6) Australia-wide data on soil type, etc. (various GIS layers)
(7) Australian Geofabric (Bureau of Meteorology)
(8) Historical cyclone coordinates
(9) Evaporation, pressure, humidity, temperature, sunshine hours
(10) Sea surface temperature data
(11) American hourly rainfall and temperature data
Greater than 1TB of data. Mostly text files and netCDF format.