The University of Adelaide

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Online responses to survey investigating the impact of corporate volunteering on consumer perceptions

online resource
posted on 2017-08-03, 06:15 authored by Carolin PlewaCarolin Plewa, Pascale QuesterPascale Quester, Claire JohnsonClaire Johnson
This dataset entails 357 completed responses (and respective questions) to an online survey. The data was collected by means of an external online consumer panel in 2012 and aimed to investigate the impact of corporate volunteering on consumer perceptions, using the telecommunications provider Vodafone as a scenario. Central constructs included in this dataset are CSR image, firm image, perceived familiarity with firm's corporate volunteering initiatives, attributions, affective and cognitive loyalty, as well as word of mouth. These constructs were measured using Likert and semantic differential scales.


LP0991848, Can sponsorship delivery corporate social responsibility? Examining internal and external perceptions of sponsors' CSR, (Internal)
