The University of Adelaide

Our Housing Australia

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Version 2 2024-02-23, 04:36
Version 1 2024-02-23, 04:31
online resource
posted on 2024-02-23, 04:36 authored by Emma BakerEmma Baker, Claire MoreyClaire Morey, Wendy Stone, Andrew Beer, Steven Rowley, REBECCA BENTLEYREBECCA BENTLEY, Kerry LondonKerry London, Lyrian DanielLyrian Daniel, Amy ClairAmy Clair, Chris Leishman, Craig Gurney, Hal Pawson, Helen Dinmore, Jane Frances-Kelly, Laura JamesLaura James, Matthew Lloyd-Cape, Michael Buchan, Mark Harris, Trivess Moore, Ralph Horne

This report is a collaboration of twenty academic and industry experts, across Australia and internationally, into the results of the 2022 Australian Housing Conditions Survey. The survey, which collected data on 22,550 renter and homeowner households across the country, were funded by the Australian Research Council in partnership with six Australian universities. This report was also funded using a supplementary grant provided by the School of Social Sciences at the University of Adelaide. The Australian Housing Conditions Dataset is the third national dataset in a series of Housing Conditions projects.

Click here to read more about the publication and the Australian Housing Conditions Dataset.


The Australian Rental Monitor: A Data Infrastructure

Australian Research Council

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