The University of Adelaide

Florian Ploeckl


  • Market Access and Information Technology Adoption: Historical Evidence from the Telephone in Bavaria
  • The impact of generative AI on higher education learning and teaching: A study of educators’ perspectives
  • Uniform Service, Uniform Productivity? Regional Efficiency of the Imperial German Postal, Telegraph, and Telephone Service
  • Towns (and villages): definitions and implications in a historical setting
  • Modern Chinese banking networks during the Republican Era
  • The next town over: On the clustering of towns and settlements before modern economic growth
  • The Zollverein and the Sequence of a Customs Union
  • The internal impact of a customs union; Baden and the Zollverein
  • Spanning the Globe: The Rise of Global Communications Systems and the First Globalisation
  • Endowments and market access; the size of towns in historical perspective: Saxony, 1550-1834
  • Local convergence: Baden 1829-1847
  • Bank on steel? Joint-stock banks and the rationalization of the British interwar steel industry
  • A novel institution: the Zollverein and the origins of the customs union
  • Does Unsatisfactory Subjective Well‐Being of School Children Decrease their Cognitive Skill Development?*

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