The University of Adelaide

Perry Beasley-Hall


  • Differential transcriptomic responses to heat stress in surface and subterranean diving beetles
  • Digging deep: a revised phylogeny of Australian burrowing cockroaches (Blaberidae: Panesthiinae, Geoscapheinae) confirms extensive nonmonophyly and provides insights into biogeography and evolution of burrowing
  • Parallel decay of vision genes in subterranean water beetles
  • Integrative taxonomy of the stick insect genus Austrocarausius Brock, 2000 (Phasmatodea: Lonchodidae) reveals cryptic species in remnant Queensland rainforests
  • Kosciuszko metallic cockroach (Polyzosteria viridissima)
  • Using phylogenetics to explore interspecies genetic rescue options for a critically endangered parrot
  • Highly dynamic evolution of the chemosensory gene repertoire driven by gene gain and expansion across subterranean beetles
  • Molecular systematics and biogeography of an Australian soil‐burrowing cockroach with polymorphic males, Geoscapheus dilatatus (Blattodea: Blaberidae)
  • Multiple abiotic factors correlate with parallel evolution in Australian soil burrowing cockroaches
  • Shrinking in the dark: Parallel endosymbiont genome erosions are associated with repeated host transitions to an underground life
  • Diving into spring biodiversity: A natural heritage assessment of Australia’s Great Artesian Basin discharge wetlands
  • A revised phylogeny of macropathine cave crickets (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae) uncovers a paraphyletic Australian fauna
  • Evidence for a complex evolutionary history of mound building in the Australian nasute termites (Nasutitermitinae)
  • Highly dynamic evolution of the chemosensory system driven by gene gain and loss across subterranean beetles
  • Sci-comm "behind the scenes": Gendered narratives of scientific outreach activities in the life sciences
  • Sci-comm “behind the scenes”: Gendered narratives of scientific outreach activities in the life sciences
  • A comprehensive review of South Australia's Great Artesian Basin spring and discharge wetlands biota
  • A comprehensive review of South Australia’s Great Artesian Basin spring and discharge wetlands biota
  • Molecular phylogenetics illuminates evolutionary history and hidden diversity of Australian cave crickets (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae)
  • Environmental DNA reveals temporal and spatial variability of invertebrate communities in arid-lands ephemeral water bodies
  • Environmental DNA and wildlife camera traps uncover complimentary vertebrate visitation patterns at freshwater granite rock-holes
  • Molecular phylogenetics illuminates the evolutionary history and hidden diversity of Australian cave crickets (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae)

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