WLC Metadata The effect of fire affected Pinus radiata litter and char addition on soil nitrogen cycling Data captured and curated by Erinne Stirling 2016-2018 '2018 WLC chemical data' <- Chemical data TIME <- REALTIME as a factor REALTIME <- Harvest time in days LITTER <- Litter treatment BLK <- No litter UL <- Pine non fire affected 34°43’6.03’’S 138°51’45.05’’E SL <- Pine fire affected 34°44’29.93’’S 138°51’21.08’’E CHAR <- Char treatment .- <- No char added .+ <- Char added ID <- Treatment ID TC <- Total carbon of soil + amendments (%) TN <- Total nitrogen of soil + amendments (%) MBN <- Microbial biomass N (μgN/gSoil) PMN <- Potentially mineralisable N (μgN/gSoil) NH4 <- Ammonium (μgN/gSoil) NO3 <- Nitrate/Nitrite (μgN/gSoil) AP <- Resin P (μgP/gSoil) '2018 WLC respiration data' <- Cumulative respiration data TIME <- REALTIME as a factor REALTIME <- Harvest time in days LITTER <- Litter treatment BLK <- No litter UL <- Pine non fire affected 34°43’6.03’’S 138°51’45.05’’E SL <- Pine fire affected 34°44’29.93’’S 138°51’21.08’’E CHAR <- Char treatment .- <- No char added .+ <- Char added ID <- Treatment ID RESP <- Cumulative respiration (mgCO2-C/gOC)