Draw Figures from the paper (Rosita: Towards Automatic Elimination of Power-Analysis Leakage in Ciphers)


Extract analyzetraces.zip and follow instructions below.

Building Tools

On Linux and Mac, library and tools can be built using make. realtraces and batchrealtraces are used to generate t-test value graphs from trace sets gathered from hardware (numpy data files). Please see below on how to generate t-test graphs from these tools.

make library
make realtraces
make batchrealtraces


First you need add the library to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/analyzetraces/src/

Figure 9

Extract 1M tracesets zip files. Run following command in the directory where you have the extracted contents.

realtraces -a first-order,uni-variate,t-test  -t online data.npy tvals.txt

Figure 10

Extract 1M tracesets zip files. Run following command in the directory where you have the extracted contents.

batchrealtraces -a first-order,uni-variate,t-test  -t online data.npy tvalstrend.txt