
1 Major analysis

1.1 Loading packages


1.2 Gene Data import

ah <- read_rds("All_annotation.rds") 

#subset(ah, rdataclass == "EnsDb" & species == "Bos taurus")
ensDb <- ah[["AH74957"]]
## EnsDb for Ensembl:
## |Backend: SQLite
## |Db type: EnsDb
## |Type of Gene ID: Ensembl Gene ID
## |Supporting package: ensembldb
## |Db created by: ensembldb package from Bioconductor
## |script_version: 0.3.5
## |Creation time: Sun Nov 17 21:16:03 2019
## |ensembl_version: 98
## |ensembl_host: localhost
## |Organism: Bos taurus
## |taxonomy_id: 9913
## |genome_build: ARS-UCD1.2
## | No. of genes: 27607.
## | No. of transcripts: 43984.
## |Protein data available.
genesGR <- genes(ensDb)
## GRanges object with 27607 ranges and 8 metadata columns:
##                      seqnames              ranges strand |            gene_id
##                         <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> |        <character>
##   ENSBTAG00000006648        1       339070-350389      - | ENSBTAG00000006648
##   ENSBTAG00000049697        1       475398-475516      + | ENSBTAG00000049697
##   ENSBTAG00000047028        1       477378-477504      + | ENSBTAG00000047028
##   ENSBTAG00000053686        1       479417-479535      + | ENSBTAG00000053686
##   ENSBTAG00000054829        1       626079-668340      + | ENSBTAG00000054829
##                  ...      ...                 ...    ... .                ...
##   ENSBTAG00000013341        X 138696888-138714389      - | ENSBTAG00000013341
##   ENSBTAG00000046328        X 138722235-138751873      - | ENSBTAG00000046328
##   ENSBTAG00000008114        X 138754709-138785187      - | ENSBTAG00000008114
##   ENSBTAG00000049411        X 138855866-139001761      + | ENSBTAG00000049411
##   ENSBTAG00000044391        X 138862220-138862348      - | ENSBTAG00000044391
##                        gene_name   gene_biotype seq_coord_system
##                      <character>    <character>      <character>
##   ENSBTAG00000006648             protein_coding primary_assembly
##   ENSBTAG00000049697     5S_rRNA           rRNA primary_assembly
##   ENSBTAG00000047028     5S_rRNA           rRNA primary_assembly
##   ENSBTAG00000053686     5S_rRNA           rRNA primary_assembly
##   ENSBTAG00000054829             protein_coding primary_assembly
##                  ...         ...            ...              ...
##   ENSBTAG00000013341        GYG2 protein_coding primary_assembly
##   ENSBTAG00000046328          XG protein_coding primary_assembly
##   ENSBTAG00000008114        CD99 protein_coding primary_assembly
##   ENSBTAG00000049411             protein_coding primary_assembly
##   ENSBTAG00000044391                     snoRNA primary_assembly
##                                                                         description
##                                                                         <character>
##   ENSBTAG00000006648                                                           NULL
##   ENSBTAG00000049697                     5S ribosomal RNA [Source:RFAM;Acc:RF00001]
##   ENSBTAG00000047028                     5S ribosomal RNA [Source:RFAM;Acc:RF00001]
##   ENSBTAG00000053686                     5S ribosomal RNA [Source:RFAM;Acc:RF00001]
##   ENSBTAG00000054829                                                           NULL
##                  ...                                                            ...
##   ENSBTAG00000013341               glycogenin 2 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:29729]
##   ENSBTAG00000046328            Xg glycoprotein [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:56960]
##   ENSBTAG00000008114              CD99 molecule [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:50554]
##   ENSBTAG00000049411 dehydrogenase/reductase X-linked [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:513482]
##   ENSBTAG00000044391                                                           NULL
##                           gene_id_version      symbol  entrezid
##                               <character> <character>    <list>
##   ENSBTAG00000006648 ENSBTAG00000006648.6                    NA
##   ENSBTAG00000049697 ENSBTAG00000049697.1     5S_rRNA        NA
##   ENSBTAG00000047028 ENSBTAG00000047028.2     5S_rRNA        NA
##   ENSBTAG00000053686 ENSBTAG00000053686.1     5S_rRNA        NA
##   ENSBTAG00000054829 ENSBTAG00000054829.1                    NA
##                  ...                  ...         ...       ...
##   ENSBTAG00000013341 ENSBTAG00000013341.6        GYG2    505258
##   ENSBTAG00000046328 ENSBTAG00000046328.2          XG 101902671
##   ENSBTAG00000008114 ENSBTAG00000008114.6        CD99    509230
##   ENSBTAG00000049411 ENSBTAG00000049411.1                513482
##   ENSBTAG00000044391 ENSBTAG00000044391.2                    NA
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 178 sequences from ARS-UCD1.2 genome
cols2Keep <- c("gene_id","gene_name", "gene_biotype", "description", "entrezid")
mcols(genesGR) <- mcols(genesGR)[, cols2Keep]
## DataFrame with 27607 rows and 5 columns
##                               gene_id   gene_name   gene_biotype
##                           <character> <character>    <character>
## ENSBTAG00000006648 ENSBTAG00000006648             protein_coding
## ENSBTAG00000049697 ENSBTAG00000049697     5S_rRNA           rRNA
## ENSBTAG00000047028 ENSBTAG00000047028     5S_rRNA           rRNA
## ENSBTAG00000053686 ENSBTAG00000053686     5S_rRNA           rRNA
## ENSBTAG00000054829 ENSBTAG00000054829             protein_coding
## ...                               ...         ...            ...
## ENSBTAG00000013341 ENSBTAG00000013341        GYG2 protein_coding
## ENSBTAG00000046328 ENSBTAG00000046328          XG protein_coding
## ENSBTAG00000008114 ENSBTAG00000008114        CD99 protein_coding
## ENSBTAG00000049411 ENSBTAG00000049411             protein_coding
## ENSBTAG00000044391 ENSBTAG00000044391                     snoRNA
##                                                                       description
##                                                                       <character>
## ENSBTAG00000006648                                                           NULL
## ENSBTAG00000049697                     5S ribosomal RNA [Source:RFAM;Acc:RF00001]
## ENSBTAG00000047028                     5S ribosomal RNA [Source:RFAM;Acc:RF00001]
## ENSBTAG00000053686                     5S ribosomal RNA [Source:RFAM;Acc:RF00001]
## ENSBTAG00000054829                                                           NULL
## ...                                                                           ...
## ENSBTAG00000013341               glycogenin 2 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:29729]
## ENSBTAG00000046328            Xg glycoprotein [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:56960]
## ENSBTAG00000008114              CD99 molecule [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:50554]
## ENSBTAG00000049411 dehydrogenase/reductase X-linked [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:513482]
## ENSBTAG00000044391                                                           NULL
##                     entrezid
##                       <list>
## ENSBTAG00000006648        NA
## ENSBTAG00000049697        NA
## ENSBTAG00000047028        NA
## ENSBTAG00000053686        NA
## ENSBTAG00000054829        NA
## ...                      ...
## ENSBTAG00000013341    505258
## ENSBTAG00000046328 101902671
## ENSBTAG00000008114    509230
## ENSBTAG00000049411    513482
## ENSBTAG00000044391        NA
ALL_entrezID <- genesGR %>% 
  subset(! %>%
  mcols() %>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%

length(ALL_entrezID) #18699
## [1] 18699
#Bos_taurus = useMart(biomart="ensembl", dataset="btaurus_gene_ensembl") #ARS-UCD1.2

### GO terms match their entrezgene_id and ensembl_gene_id
#ALL_GO2gene <- getBM(
#  attributes= c("chromosome_name","start_position","end_position","strand","ensembl_gene_id","external_gene_name","gene_biotype", "description","entrezgene_id", "go_id"),mart= Bos_taurus)

# saveRDS(ALL_GO2gene, "ALL_GO2gene.rds")
ALL_GO2gene <- read_rds("ALL_GO2gene.rds")

diff_GO2gene <- subset(ALL_GO2gene, entrezgene_id %in% setdiff(ALL_GO2gene$entrezgene_id, ALL_entrezID))%>%drop_na()
diff_GO2gene$strand <- diff_GO2gene$strand%>%gsub("-1", "-", .)%>%gsub("1", "+", .)

diff_GO2gene$width <- diff_GO2gene[,"end_position"]-diff_GO2gene[,"start_position"]

diff_GO2gene <- diff_GO2gene[,c(1:3)]%>%
data_genesGR <->%

ALL_entrezID <- data_genesGR %>% 
  subset(! %>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%

length(ALL_entrezID) #18730 combine two datasets
## [1] 18730

1.3 phenotype frontal_skin

polledvshornedFS_DEG <- read_csv("polledvshornedForfrontal_skin-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

polledvshornedFS_entrezID_DEG <- polledvshornedFS_DEG%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 5264

1.3.1 Go entrichment analysis

goRes <- goana(polledvshornedFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

goRes <- goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

goRes%>%print(n= dim(goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 16 x 7
##    goid      Term                           Ont       N    DE     P.DE      adjP
##    <chr>     <chr>                          <chr> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 GO:00055… extracellular region           CC      546   225 1.85e-11   2.62e-7
##  2 GO:00076… sensory perception             BP      114    58 2.27e- 7   1.01e-3
##  3 GO:00076… visual perception              BP       63    37 3.56e- 7   1.01e-3
##  4 GO:00509… sensory perception of light s… BP       63    37 3.56e- 7   1.01e-3
##  5 GO:00056… extracellular space            CC      243   105 2.97e- 7   1.01e-3
##  6 GO:00071… G protein-coupled receptor si… BP      149    70 7.12e- 7   1.68e-3
##  7 GO:00508… nervous system process         BP      169    76 2.03e- 6   4.10e-3
##  8 GO:00030… system process                 BP      311   123 7.81e- 6   1.23e-2
##  9 GO:00058… intermediate filament          CC       45    27 7.74e- 6   1.23e-2
## 10 GO:00108… regulation of hormone levels   BP       93    46 1.03e- 5   1.46e-2
## 11 GO:00049… G protein-coupled receptor ac… MF       68    36 1.38e- 5   1.77e-2
## 12 GO:00095… fertilization                  BP       50    28 3.19e- 5   3.39e-2
## 13 GO:00380… signaling receptor activity    MF      146    64 3.35e- 5   3.39e-2
## 14 GO:00600… molecular transducer activity  MF      146    64 3.35e- 5   3.39e-2
## 15 GO:00072… neuropeptide signaling pathway BP       25    17 3.94e- 5   3.72e-2
## 16 GO:00069… acute-phase response           BP       15    12 4.50e- 5   3.98e-2

1.3.2 KEGG entrichment analysis

keggRes <- kegga(polledvshornedFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

keggRes <- keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

keggRes%>%print(n= dim(keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 72 x 6
##    keggid     Pathway                                  N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>      <chr>                                <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 path:bta0… Neuroactive ligand-receptor interac…   345   188 2.76e-25 9.19e-23
##  2 path:bta0… Staphylococcus aureus infection        101    71 1.44e-18 2.40e-16
##  3 path:bta0… Steroid hormone biosynthesis            70    52 1.33e-15 1.48e-13
##  4 path:bta0… Cytokine-cytokine receptor interact…   296   145 1.51e-14 1.26e-12
##  5 path:bta0… Linoleic acid metabolism                33    28 1.72e-11 1.14e- 9
##  6 path:bta0… Retinol metabolism                      65    44 3.71e-11 2.06e- 9
##  7 path:bta0… Fat digestion and absorption            49    36 5.59e-11 2.66e- 9
##  8 path:bta0… Protein digestion and absorption       113    63 5.97e-10 2.48e- 8
##  9 path:bta0… Arachidonic acid metabolism             78    48 7.19e-10 2.66e- 8
## 10 path:bta0… Pancreatic secretion                   100    57 1.25e- 9 4.17e- 8
## 11 path:bta0… Natural killer cell mediated cytoto…   133    70 2.01e- 9 6.09e- 8
## 12 path:bta0… Complement and coagulation cascades     83    49 3.58e- 9 9.68e- 8
## 13 path:bta0… Graft-versus-host disease               56    37 3.78e- 9 9.68e- 8
## 14 path:bta0… Hematopoietic cell lineage             103    57 5.61e- 9 1.33e- 7
## 15 path:bta0… Type I diabetes mellitus                54    34 9.70e- 8 2.15e- 6
## 16 path:bta0… Allograft rejection                     50    32 1.32e- 7 2.75e- 6
## 17 path:bta0… Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450       60    36 2.38e- 7 4.67e- 6
## 18 path:bta0… Bile secretion                          94    50 2.54e- 7 4.70e- 6
## 19 path:bta0… Chemical carcinogenesis                 77    43 2.90e- 7 5.08e- 6
## 20 path:bta0… Salivary secretion                      91    48 6.09e- 7 1.01e- 5
## 21 path:bta0… Autoimmune thyroid disease              60    35 9.02e- 7 1.43e- 5
## 22 path:bta0… ABC transporters                        56    33 1.34e- 6 2.03e- 5
## 23 path:bta0… Amoebiasis                             107    52 5.31e- 6 7.69e- 5
## 24 path:bta0… cAMP signaling pathway                 219    92 6.29e- 6 8.06e- 5
## 25 path:bta0… JAK-STAT signaling pathway             179    78 6.28e- 6 8.06e- 5
## 26 path:bta0… Intestinal immune network for IgA p…    54    31 5.98e- 6 8.06e- 5
## 27 path:bta0… Tyrosine metabolism                     38    24 6.98e- 6 8.31e- 5
## 28 path:bta0… Inflammatory bowel disease              69    37 6.98e- 6 8.31e- 5
## 29 path:bta0… Cell adhesion molecules                152    68 8.27e- 6 9.18e- 5
## 30 path:bta0… Nicotine addiction                      36    23 8.20e- 6 9.18e- 5
## 31 path:bta0… Asthma                                  34    22 9.55e- 6 1.03e- 4
## 32 path:bta0… alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism         26    18 1.57e- 5 1.58e- 4
## 33 path:bta0… Maturity onset diabetes of the young    26    18 1.57e- 5 1.58e- 4
## 34 path:bta0… Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytoch…    66    35 1.69e- 5 1.66e- 4
## 35 path:bta0… Carbohydrate digestion and absorpti…    42    25 2.01e- 5 1.91e- 4
## 36 path:bta0… Vascular smooth muscle contraction     136    61 2.14e- 5 1.98e- 4
## 37 path:bta0… Antigen processing and presentation     80    40 2.72e- 5 2.45e- 4
## 38 path:bta0… Viral protein interaction with cyto…    91    43 7.76e- 5 6.80e- 4
## 39 path:bta0… Ovarian steroidogenesis                 57    30 8.02e- 5 6.85e- 4
## 40 path:bta0… Chagas disease                         114    51 1.06e- 4 8.81e- 4
## 41 path:bta0… Rheumatoid arthritis                    98    45 1.25e- 4 1.02e- 3
## 42 path:bta0… Viral myocarditis                       69    34 1.54e- 4 1.22e- 3
## 43 path:bta0… Th17 cell differentiation              110    49 1.63e- 4 1.26e- 3
## 44 path:bta0… Prolactin signaling pathway             83    39 1.90e- 4 1.41e- 3
## 45 path:bta0… Primary immunodeficiency                39    22 1.91e- 4 1.41e- 3
## 46 path:bta0… Leishmaniasis                           75    36 1.95e- 4 1.41e- 3
## 47 path:bta0… Ether lipid metabolism                  50    26 3.04e- 4 2.13e- 3
## 48 path:bta0… Tuberculosis                           188    75 3.07e- 4 2.13e- 3
## 49 path:bta0… Inflammatory mediator regulation of…    97    43 4.52e- 4 3.07e- 3
## 50 path:bta0… Phagosome                              161    65 5.10e- 4 3.40e- 3
## 51 path:bta0… African trypanosomiasis                 39    21 6.22e- 4 4.06e- 3
## 52 path:bta0… Mineral absorption                      55    27 7.66e- 4 4.91e- 3
## 53 path:bta0… Estrogen signaling pathway             129    53 9.97e- 4 6.26e- 3
## 54 path:bta0… Phototransduction                       26    15 1.48e- 3 9.10e- 3
## 55 path:bta0… Phenylalanine metabolism                24    14 1.83e- 3 1.11e- 2
## 56 path:bta0… Insulin secretion                       83    36 2.02e- 3 1.20e- 2
## 57 path:bta0… Drug metabolism - other enzymes         75    33 2.30e- 3 1.32e- 2
## 58 path:bta0… Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation        95    40 2.31e- 3 1.32e- 2
## 59 path:bta0… T cell receptor signaling pathway      105    43 3.05e- 3 1.72e- 2
## 60 path:bta0… Nitrogen metabolism                     18    11 3.47e- 3 1.92e- 2
## 61 path:bta0… Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism       23    13 3.90e- 3 2.13e- 2
## 62 path:bta0… Folate biosynthesis                     36    18 4.38e- 3 2.32e- 2
## 63 path:bta0… Type II diabetes mellitus               44    21 4.38e- 3 2.32e- 2
## 64 path:bta0… Histidine metabolism                    21    12 4.90e- 3 2.55e- 2
## 65 path:bta0… Yersinia infection                     141    54 5.47e- 3 2.80e- 2
## 66 path:bta0… Serotonergic synapse                   111    44 5.62e- 3 2.84e- 2
## 67 path:bta0… Calcium signaling pathway              195    71 6.91e- 3 3.43e- 2
## 68 path:bta0… Regulation of lipolysis in adipocyt…    54    24 7.42e- 3 3.58e- 2
## 69 path:bta0… Pertussis                               74    31 7.40e- 3 3.58e- 2
## 70 path:bta0… Pentose and glucuronate interconver…    30    15 9.01e- 3 4.27e- 2
## 71 path:bta0… Thyroid hormone synthesis               72    30 9.11e- 3 4.27e- 2
## 72 path:bta0… Renin-angiotensin system                25    13 9.84e- 3 4.55e- 2
write.csv(keggRes%>,file="polledvshornedForfrontal_skin-ARS_jo-KEGGresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") hornbud

polledvshornedHB_DEG <- read_csv("polledvshornedForhornbud-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

polledvshornedHB_entrezID_DEG <- polledvshornedHB_DEG%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 5600

1.3.3 Go entrichment analysis

goRes <- goana(polledvshornedHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

goRes <- goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

goRes%>%print(n= dim(goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 20 x 7
##    goid     Term                            Ont       N    DE     P.DE      adjP
##    <chr>    <chr>                           <chr> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 GO:0005… extracellular region            CC      546   240 1.38e-12   1.96e-8
##  2 GO:0007… visual perception               BP       63    44 7.02e-11   3.31e-7
##  3 GO:0050… sensory perception of light st… BP       63    44 7.02e-11   3.31e-7
##  4 GO:0007… sensory perception              BP      114    65 1.53e- 9   5.43e-6
##  5 GO:0005… intermediate filament           CC       45    33 2.30e- 9   6.50e-6
##  6 GO:0005… extracellular space             CC      243   114 1.52e- 8   3.57e-5
##  7 GO:0050… nervous system process          BP      169    84 4.90e- 8   9.90e-5
##  8 GO:0045… intermediate filament cytoskel… CC       49    33 6.88e- 8   1.22e-4
##  9 GO:0003… system process                  BP      311   134 4.85e- 7   7.62e-4
## 10 GO:0019… cytolysis                       BP       17    15 9.60e- 7   1.36e-3
## 11 GO:0003… lysozyme activity               MF       12    11 1.49e- 5   1.75e-2
## 12 GO:0061… peptidoglycan muralytic activi… MF       12    11 1.49e- 5   1.75e-2
## 13 GO:0005… collagen trimer                 CC       25    18 1.71e- 5   1.87e-2
## 14 GO:0044… multi-organism reproductive pr… BP      207    90 2.26e- 5   2.28e-2
## 15 GO:0019… sexual reproduction             BP      183    81 2.63e- 5   2.48e-2
## 16 GO:0045… intermediate filament-based pr… BP       16    13 3.23e- 5   2.69e-2
## 17 GO:0045… intermediate filament cytoskel… BP       16    13 3.23e- 5   2.69e-2
## 18 GO:0051… multi-organism process          BP      210    90 4.37e- 5   3.25e-2
## 19 GO:0015… sodium ion transmembrane trans… MF       22    16 4.22e- 5   3.25e-2
## 20 GO:0007… G protein-coupled receptor sig… BP      149    67 6.98e- 5   4.94e-2

1.3.4 KEGG entrichment analysis

keggRes <- kegga(polledvshornedHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

keggRes <- keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

keggRes%>%print(n= dim(keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 51 x 6
##    keggid     Pathway                                  N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>      <chr>                                <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 path:bta0… Neuroactive ligand-receptor interac…   345   192 9.67e-24 3.22e-21
##  2 path:bta0… Staphylococcus aureus infection        101    76 5.62e-21 9.35e-19
##  3 path:bta0… Steroid hormone biosynthesis            70    52 2.17e-14 1.93e-12
##  4 path:bta0… Protein digestion and absorption       113    73 2.32e-14 1.93e-12
##  5 path:bta0… Cytokine-cytokine receptor interact…   296   150 3.96e-14 2.64e-12
##  6 path:bta0… Linoleic acid metabolism                33    28 8.65e-11 4.80e- 9
##  7 path:bta0… Arachidonic acid metabolism             78    49 1.74e- 9 7.25e- 8
##  8 path:bta0… Retinol metabolism                      65    43 1.64e- 9 7.25e- 8
##  9 path:bta0… Fat digestion and absorption            49    35 2.36e- 9 8.72e- 8
## 10 path:bta0… Graft-versus-host disease               56    38 4.94e- 9 1.64e- 7
## 11 path:bta0… Complement and coagulation cascades     83    49 3.29e- 8 9.95e- 7
## 12 path:bta0… Chemical carcinogenesis                 77    46 5.19e- 8 1.44e- 6
## 13 path:bta0… Natural killer cell mediated cytoto…   133    69 8.80e- 8 2.25e- 6
## 14 path:bta0… Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450       60    37 3.36e- 7 7.99e- 6
## 15 path:bta0… Type I diabetes mellitus                54    33 1.93e- 6 4.29e- 5
## 16 path:bta0… Pancreatic secretion                   100    52 3.00e- 6 6.24e- 5
## 17 path:bta0… Amoebiasis                             107    54 6.30e- 6 1.23e- 4
## 18 path:bta0… Allograft rejection                     50    30 9.56e- 6 1.77e- 4
## 19 path:bta0… Autoimmune thyroid disease              60    34 1.42e- 5 2.48e- 4
## 20 path:bta0… ABC transporters                        56    32 2.00e- 5 3.17e- 4
## 21 path:bta0… Antigen processing and presentation     80    42 1.92e- 5 3.17e- 4
## 22 path:bta0… Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytoch…    66    36 2.51e- 5 3.49e- 4
## 23 path:bta0… Phagosome                              161    73 2.35e- 5 3.49e- 4
## 24 path:bta0… Nicotine addiction                      36    23 2.51e- 5 3.49e- 4
## 25 path:bta0… Viral protein interaction with cyto…    91    46 2.82e- 5 3.62e- 4
## 26 path:bta0… Salivary secretion                      91    46 2.82e- 5 3.62e- 4
## 27 path:bta0… Bile secretion                          94    47 3.33e- 5 4.11e- 4
## 28 path:bta0… alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism         26    18 3.97e- 5 4.56e- 4
## 29 path:bta0… Maturity onset diabetes of the young    26    18 3.97e- 5 4.56e- 4
## 30 path:bta0… Hematopoietic cell lineage             103    50 5.16e- 5 5.73e- 4
## 31 path:bta0… JAK-STAT signaling pathway             179    78 6.83e- 5 7.34e- 4
## 32 path:bta0… Estrogen signaling pathway             129    59 1.01e- 4 1.05e- 3
## 33 path:bta0… Primary immunodeficiency                39    23 1.51e- 4 1.53e- 3
## 34 path:bta0… Phototransduction                       26    17 1.94e- 4 1.90e- 3
## 35 path:bta0… Viral myocarditis                       69    35 2.26e- 4 2.15e- 3
## 36 path:bta0… Tyrosine metabolism                     38    22 3.04e- 4 2.81e- 3
## 37 path:bta0… Ether lipid metabolism                  50    27 3.15e- 4 2.84e- 3
## 38 path:bta0… Calcium signaling pathway              195    81 3.39e- 4 2.97e- 3
## 39 path:bta0… Asthma                                  34    20 4.27e- 4 3.64e- 3
## 40 path:bta0… Intestinal immune network for IgA p…    54    28 5.92e- 4 4.93e- 3
## 41 path:bta0… Cell adhesion molecules                152    64 8.88e- 4 7.21e- 3
## 42 path:bta0… Vascular smooth muscle contraction     136    58 1.04e- 3 8.27e- 3
## 43 path:bta0… cAMP signaling pathway                 219    87 1.14e- 3 8.83e- 3
## 44 path:bta0… Inflammatory bowel disease              69    33 1.27e- 3 9.65e- 3
## 45 path:bta0… Drug metabolism - other enzymes         75    35 1.59e- 3 1.17e- 2
## 46 path:bta0… Carbohydrate digestion and absorpti…    42    22 1.88e- 3 1.36e- 2
## 47 path:bta0… Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism       23    14 2.00e- 3 1.42e- 2
## 48 path:bta0… Ovarian steroidogenesis                 57    27 4.02e- 3 2.79e- 2
## 49 path:bta0… Malaria                                 55    26 4.88e- 3 3.32e- 2
## 50 path:bta0… Renin-angiotensin system                25    14 5.77e- 3 3.84e- 2
## 51 path:bta0… Pentose and glucuronate interconver…    30    16 6.11e- 3 3.99e- 2
write.csv(keggRes%>,file="polledvshornedForhornbud-ARS_jo-KEGGresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") forebrain

polledvshornedFB_DEG <- read_csv("polledvshornedForforebrain-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

polledvshornedFB_entrezID_DEG <- polledvshornedFB_DEG%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 3472

1.3.5 Go entrichment analysis

goRes <- goana(polledvshornedFB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

goRes <- goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

goRes%>%print(n= dim(goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 2 x 7
##   goid       Term                 Ont       N    DE          P.DE      adjP
##   <chr>      <chr>                <chr> <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 GO:0005576 extracellular region CC      546   158 0.00000000117 0.0000165
## 2 GO:0005615 extracellular space  CC      243    74 0.00000408    0.0288

1.3.6 KEGG entrichment analysis

keggRes <- kegga(polledvshornedFB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

keggRes <- keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

keggRes%>%print(n= dim(keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 27 x 6
##    keggid     Pathway                                  N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>      <chr>                                <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 path:bta0… Systemic lupus erythematosus           150    66 5.55e-13 1.85e-10
##  2 path:bta0… Protein digestion and absorption       113    50 2.74e-10 4.56e- 8
##  3 path:bta0… Alcoholism                             195    71 2.60e- 9 2.88e- 7
##  4 path:bta0… Linoleic acid metabolism                33    20 1.03e- 7 8.56e- 6
##  5 path:bta0… Arachidonic acid metabolism             78    34 2.95e- 7 1.96e- 5
##  6 path:bta0… Neuroactive ligand-receptor interac…   345   102 3.60e- 7 2.00e- 5
##  7 path:bta0… Cytokine-cytokine receptor interact…   296    87 3.29e- 6 1.57e- 4
##  8 path:bta0… Viral protein interaction with cyto…    91    35 6.60e- 6 2.44e- 4
##  9 path:bta0… Vascular smooth muscle contraction     136    47 6.33e- 6 2.44e- 4
## 10 path:bta0… Protein export                          23    14 8.30e- 6 2.76e- 4
## 11 path:bta0… Viral carcinogenesis                   213    64 2.95e- 5 8.94e- 4
## 12 path:bta0… Staphylococcus aureus infection        101    36 3.48e- 5 9.65e- 4
## 13 path:bta0… alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism         26    14 5.59e- 5 1.43e- 3
## 14 path:bta0… Spliceosome                            128    42 7.65e- 5 1.82e- 3
## 15 path:bta0… Fat digestion and absorption            49    20 2.39e- 4 5.31e- 3
## 16 path:bta0… Amoebiasis                             107    35 3.12e- 4 6.48e- 3
## 17 path:bta0… Pancreatic secretion                   100    33 3.81e- 4 7.46e- 3
## 18 path:bta0… Graft-versus-host disease               56    21 6.61e- 4 1.22e- 2
## 19 path:bta0… Antigen processing and presentation     80    27 8.46e- 4 1.41e- 2
## 20 path:bta0… Thyroid hormone synthesis               72    25 8.12e- 4 1.41e- 2
## 21 path:bta0… Inflammatory mediator regulation of…    97    31 1.03e- 3 1.60e- 2
## 22 path:bta0… Type I diabetes mellitus                54    20 1.06e- 3 1.60e- 2
## 23 path:bta0… Phototransduction                       26    12 1.17e- 3 1.69e- 2
## 24 path:bta0… Estrogen signaling pathway             129    38 1.69e- 3 2.25e- 2
## 25 path:bta0… Oxytocin signaling pathway             146    42 1.66e- 3 2.25e- 2
## 26 path:bta0… Ether lipid metabolism                  50    18 2.66e- 3 3.41e- 2
## 27 path:bta0… Phagosome                              161    44 3.84e- 3 4.74e- 2
write.csv(keggRes%>,file="polledvshornedForforebrain-ARS_jo-KEGGresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") midbrain

polledvshornedMB_DEG <- read_csv("polledvshornedFormidbrain-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

polledvshornedMB_entrezID_DEG <- polledvshornedMB_DEG%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 2652

1.3.7 Go entrichment analysis

goRes <- goana(polledvshornedMB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

goRes <- goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

goRes%>%print(n= dim(goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 17 x 7
##    goid     Term                             Ont       N    DE      P.DE    adjP
##    <chr>    <chr>                            <chr> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 GO:0005… extracellular region             CC      546   122   1.17e-7 0.00166
##  2 GO:0007… visual perception                BP       63    25   5.54e-7 0.00261
##  3 GO:0050… sensory perception of light sti… BP       63    25   5.54e-7 0.00261
##  4 GO:0099… supramolecular complex           CC      287    70   2.46e-6 0.00868
##  5 GO:0032… multicellular organismal process BP     1326   245   3.82e-6 0.0108 
##  6 GO:0003… RNA binding                      MF      257    62   1.30e-5 0.0306 
##  7 GO:0005… protein binding                  MF     1383   250   1.56e-5 0.0316 
##  8 GO:0010… regulation of gene expression    BP      755   147   2.64e-5 0.0381 
##  9 GO:0060… regulation of macromolecule met… BP     1105   204   2.69e-5 0.0381 
## 10 GO:0008… RNA splicing                     BP      113    33   2.63e-5 0.0381 
## 11 GO:0031… extracellular matrix             CC       59    21   3.15e-5 0.0405 
## 12 GO:0019… regulation of metabolic process  BP     1203   218   4.79e-5 0.0463 
## 13 GO:0048… system development               BP      788   151   4.76e-5 0.0463 
## 14 GO:0051… regulation of nitrogen compound… BP      995   185   4.25e-5 0.0463 
## 15 GO:0007… cytoskeleton organization        BP      246    58   4.91e-5 0.0463 
## 16 GO:2000… regulation of multicellular org… BP      319    71   5.65e-5 0.0470 
## 17 GO:0005… collagen trimer                  CC       25    12   5.49e-5 0.0470

1.3.8 KEGG entrichment analysis

keggRes <- kegga(polledvshornedMB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

keggRes <- keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

keggRes%>%print(n= dim(keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 7 x 6
##   keggid       Pathway                               N    DE       P.DE     adjP
##   <chr>        <chr>                             <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 path:bta030… Spliceosome                         128    41    1.95e-7  3.25e-5
## 2 path:bta049… Protein digestion and absorption    113    38    1.31e-7  3.25e-5
## 3 path:bta040… Cytokine-cytokine receptor inter…   296    69    1.46e-5  1.62e-3
## 4 path:bta046… Antigen processing and presentat…    80    25    7.12e-5  4.74e-3
## 5 path:bta049… Fat digestion and absorption         49    18    7.02e-5  4.74e-3
## 6 path:bta041… Phagosome                           161    40    2.13e-4  1.18e-2
## 7 path:bta052… Proteoglycans in cancer             197    45    6.64e-4  3.16e-2

1.4 tissues

1.4.1 forebrain vs frontal_skin For horned

FBvsFS_DGE_result <- read_csv("forebrainvsfrontal_skinForhorned-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

FBvsFS_entrezID_DEG <- FBvsFS_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 2038 Go entrichment analysis
FBvsFS_goRes <- goana(FBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

FBvsFS_goRes <- FBvsFS_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

FBvsFS_goRes%>%print(n= dim(FBvsFS_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 10 x 7
##    goid      Term                          Ont       N    DE     P.DE       adjP
##    <chr>     <chr>                         <chr> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 GO:00055… extracellular region          CC      546   116 7.56e-13    1.07e-8
##  2 GO:00076… sensory perception            BP      114    36 1.86e- 9    1.31e-5
##  3 GO:00508… nervous system process        BP      169    43 7.36e- 8    3.47e-4
##  4 GO:00076… visual perception             BP       63    22 3.64e- 7    1.03e-3
##  5 GO:00509… sensory perception of light … BP       63    22 3.64e- 7    1.03e-3
##  6 GO:00056… extracellular space           CC      243    52 1.30e- 6    3.07e-3
##  7 GO:00198… cytolysis                     BP       17    10 2.17e- 6    4.38e-3
##  8 GO:00513… response to mineralocorticoid BP        5     5 1.52e- 5    2.16e-2
##  9 GO:19034… response to dehydroepiandros… BP        5     5 1.52e- 5    2.16e-2
## 10 GO:19034… response to 11-deoxycorticos… BP        5     5 1.52e- 5    2.16e-2
write.csv(FBvsFS_goRes%>,file="forebrainvsfrontal_skinForhorned-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
FBvsFS_keggRes <- kegga(FBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

FBvsFS_keggRes <- FBvsFS_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

FBvsFS_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(FBvsFS_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 30 x 6
##    keggid       Pathway                                N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>        <chr>                              <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 path:bta040… Neuroactive ligand-receptor inter…   345    92 1.27e-16 4.23e-14
##  2 path:bta001… Steroid hormone biosynthesis          70    33 2.22e-14 3.69e-12
##  3 path:bta008… Retinol metabolism                    65    30 6.76e-13 7.50e-11
##  4 path:bta046… Complement and coagulation cascad…    83    29 5.10e- 9 4.25e- 7
##  5 path:bta049… Protein digestion and absorption     113    33 7.19e- 8 4.79e- 6
##  6 path:bta051… Staphylococcus aureus infection      101    30 1.85e- 7 1.02e- 5
##  7 path:bta049… Bile secretion                        94    28 4.39e- 7 2.09e- 5
##  8 path:bta000… Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism     23    12 1.14e- 6 4.75e- 5
##  9 path:bta005… Arachidonic acid metabolism           78    24 1.51e- 6 5.58e- 5
## 10 path:bta009… Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450     60    20 2.79e- 6 9.30e- 5
## 11 path:bta052… Chemical carcinogenesis               77    23 4.36e- 6 1.32e- 4
## 12 path:bta000… Pentose and glucuronate interconv…    30    12 3.52e- 5 9.01e- 4
## 13 path:bta009… Drug metabolism - other enzymes       75    21 3.33e- 5 9.01e- 4
## 14 path:bta049… Type I diabetes mellitus              54    16 1.36e- 4 3.22e- 3
## 15 path:bta053… Autoimmune thyroid disease            60    17 1.56e- 4 3.46e- 3
## 16 path:bta009… Metabolism of xenobiotics by cyto…    66    18 1.72e- 4 3.58e- 3
## 17 path:bta020… ABC transporters                      56    16 2.17e- 4 4.25e- 3
## 18 path:bta046… Hematopoietic cell lineage           103    24 2.31e- 4 4.28e- 3
## 19 path:bta049… Ovarian steroidogenesis               57    16 2.71e- 4 4.55e- 3
## 20 path:bta050… Nicotine addiction                    36    12 2.73e- 4 4.55e- 3
## 21 path:bta040… Cytokine-cytokine receptor intera…   296    52 3.37e- 4 5.34e- 3
## 22 path:bta003… Tyrosine metabolism                   38    12 4.81e- 4 6.97e- 3
## 23 path:bta008… Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabol…    38    12 4.81e- 4 6.97e- 3
## 24 path:bta053… Rheumatoid arthritis                  98    22 7.12e- 4 9.59e- 3
## 25 path:bta053… Graft-versus-host disease             56    15 7.20e- 4 9.59e- 3
## 26 path:bta053… Inflammatory bowel disease            69    17 9.29e- 4 1.19e- 2
## 27 path:bta007… Folate biosynthesis                   36    11 1.12e- 3 1.38e- 2
## 28 path:bta049… Maturity onset diabetes of the yo…    26     9 1.17e- 3 1.39e- 2
## 29 path:bta005… Linoleic acid metabolism              33    10 2.00e- 3 2.29e- 2
## 30 path:bta046… Intestinal immune network for IgA…    54    13 4.43e- 3 4.92e- 2
write.csv(FBvsFS_keggRes%>,file="forebrainvsfrontal_skinForhorned-ARS_jo-KEGGresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") For polled

FBvsFS_DGE_result <- read_csv("forebrainvsfrontal_skinForpolled-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

FBvsFS_entrezID_DEG <- FBvsFS_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 214 Go entrichment analysis
FBvsFS_goRes <- goana(FBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

FBvsFS_goRes <- FBvsFS_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

FBvsFS_goRes%>%print(n= dim(FBvsFS_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 0 x 7
## # … with 7 variables: goid <chr>, Term <chr>, Ont <chr>, N <dbl>, DE <dbl>,
## #   P.DE <dbl>, adjP <dbl>
write.csv(FBvsFS_goRes%>,file="forebrainvsfrontal_skinForpolled-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
FBvsFS_keggRes <- kegga(FBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

FBvsFS_keggRes <- FBvsFS_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

FBvsFS_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(FBvsFS_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 7 x 6
##   keggid        Pathway                           N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##   <chr>         <chr>                         <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 path:bta04740 Olfactory transduction          983    45 7.97e-16 2.66e-13
## 2 path:bta05034 Alcoholism                      195    21 8.46e-15 9.39e-13
## 3 path:bta05322 Systemic lupus erythematosus    150    19 8.37e-15 9.39e-13
## 4 path:bta05203 Viral carcinogenesis            213    14 1.68e- 7 1.40e- 5
## 5 path:bta04512 ECM-receptor interaction         80     6 3.08e- 4 1.71e- 2
## 6 path:bta05014 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis   365    13 3.06e- 4 1.71e- 2
## 7 path:bta04217 Necroptosis                     158     8 4.74e- 4 2.25e- 2

1.4.2 forebrain vs hornbud For horned

FBvsHB_DGE_result <- read_csv("forebrainvshornbudForhorned-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

FBvsHB_entrezID_DEG <- FBvsHB_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 3788 Go entrichment analysis
FBvsHB_goRes <- goana(FBvsHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

FBvsHB_goRes <- FBvsHB_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

FBvsHB_goRes%>%print(n= dim(FBvsHB_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 12 x 7
##    goid       Term                           Ont       N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>      <chr>                          <chr> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 GO:0005576 extracellular region           CC      546   192 1.30e-16 1.84e-12
##  2 GO:0005615 extracellular space            CC      243    92 1.45e-10 1.03e- 6
##  3 GO:0005882 intermediate filament          CC       45    28 9.77e-10 4.61e- 6
##  4 GO:0045111 intermediate filament cytoske… CC       49    28 1.47e- 8 5.18e- 5
##  5 GO:0007600 sensory perception             BP      114    47 2.43e- 7 4.91e- 4
##  6 GO:0003796 lysozyme activity              MF       12    11 2.26e- 7 4.91e- 4
##  7 GO:0061783 peptidoglycan muralytic activ… MF       12    11 2.26e- 7 4.91e- 4
##  8 GO:0019835 cytolysis                      BP       17    13 9.77e- 7 1.73e- 3
##  9 GO:0007601 visual perception              BP       63    29 3.51e- 6 4.97e- 3
## 10 GO:0050953 sensory perception of light s… BP       63    29 3.51e- 6 4.97e- 3
## 11 GO:0050877 nervous system process         BP      169    59 5.87e- 6 7.55e- 3
## 12 GO:0005581 collagen trimer                CC       25    15 1.55e- 5 1.83e- 2
write.csv(FBvsHB_goRes%>,file="forebrainvshornbudForhorned-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
FBvsHB_keggRes <- kegga(FBvsHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

FBvsHB_keggRes <- FBvsHB_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

FBvsHB_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(FBvsHB_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 44 x 6
##    keggid     Pathway                                  N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>      <chr>                                <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 path:bta0… Neuroactive ligand-receptor interac…   345   144 3.50e-20 1.17e-17
##  2 path:bta0… Staphylococcus aureus infection        101    59 3.87e-17 6.44e-15
##  3 path:bta0… Cytokine-cytokine receptor interact…   296   120 6.79e-16 7.54e-14
##  4 path:bta0… Steroid hormone biosynthesis            70    42 3.70e-13 3.08e-11
##  5 path:bta0… Olfactory transduction                 983   279 2.04e-10 1.36e- 8
##  6 path:bta0… Graft-versus-host disease               56    32 1.35e- 9 7.47e- 8
##  7 path:bta0… Protein digestion and absorption       113    51 1.87e- 9 8.91e- 8
##  8 path:bta0… Arachidonic acid metabolism             78    39 4.17e- 9 1.73e- 7
##  9 path:bta0… Retinol metabolism                      65    34 9.26e- 9 3.42e- 7
## 10 path:bta0… Complement and coagulation cascades     83    40 1.03e- 8 3.42e- 7
## 11 path:bta0… Chemical carcinogenesis                 77    37 4.01e- 8 1.21e- 6
## 12 path:bta0… Linoleic acid metabolism                33    21 7.00e- 8 1.94e- 6
## 13 path:bta0… JAK-STAT signaling pathway             179    66 1.72e- 7 4.40e- 6
## 14 path:bta0… Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450       60    30 2.53e- 7 6.01e- 6
## 15 path:bta0… Nicotine addiction                      36    21 5.82e- 7 1.29e- 5
## 16 path:bta0… Tyrosine metabolism                     38    21 1.97e- 6 4.10e- 5
## 17 path:bta0… Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytoch…    66    30 3.26e- 6 6.38e- 5
## 18 path:bta0… Type I diabetes mellitus                54    26 3.91e- 6 7.22e- 5
## 19 path:bta0… Natural killer cell mediated cytoto…   133    49 6.48e- 6 1.14e- 4
## 20 path:bta0… Inflammatory bowel disease              69    30 9.84e- 6 1.64e- 4
## 21 path:bta0… Hematopoietic cell lineage             103    40 1.05e- 5 1.67e- 4
## 22 path:bta0… Fat digestion and absorption            49    23 2.36e- 5 3.57e- 4
## 23 path:bta0… Maturity onset diabetes of the young    26    15 2.96e- 5 4.28e- 4
## 24 path:bta0… Autoimmune thyroid disease              60    26 4.06e- 5 5.64e- 4
## 25 path:bta0… Drug metabolism - other enzymes         75    29 1.80e- 4 2.40e- 3
## 26 path:bta0… Allograft rejection                     50    21 3.69e- 4 4.72e- 3
## 27 path:bta0… Intestinal immune network for IgA p…    54    22 4.51e- 4 5.56e- 3
## 28 path:bta0… Influenza A                            175    54 5.45e- 4 6.48e- 3
## 29 path:bta0… Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism       23    12 6.59e- 4 6.96e- 3
## 30 path:bta0… alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism         26    13 6.69e- 4 6.96e- 3
## 31 path:bta0… Viral protein interaction with cyto…    91    32 6.37e- 4 6.96e- 3
## 32 path:bta0… Antigen processing and presentation     80    29 6.39e- 4 6.96e- 3
## 33 path:bta0… Amoebiasis                             107    36 7.84e- 4 7.91e- 3
## 34 path:bta0… Bile secretion                          94    32 1.20e- 3 1.17e- 2
## 35 path:bta0… Salivary secretion                      91    31 1.40e- 3 1.29e- 2
## 36 path:bta0… Asthma                                  34    15 1.37e- 3 1.29e- 2
## 37 path:bta0… ABC transporters                        56    21 2.11e- 3 1.90e- 2
## 38 path:bta0… Rheumatoid arthritis                    98    32 2.57e- 3 2.25e- 2
## 39 path:bta0… Folate biosynthesis                     36    15 2.72e- 3 2.33e- 2
## 40 path:bta0… Tryptophan metabolism                   47    18 3.28e- 3 2.73e- 2
## 41 path:bta0… Pentose and glucuronate interconver…    30    13 3.42e- 3 2.78e- 2
## 42 path:bta0… Phenylalanine metabolism                24    11 4.12e- 3 3.27e- 2
## 43 path:bta0… Prolactin signaling pathway             83    27 5.64e- 3 4.37e- 2
## 44 path:bta0… Cell adhesion molecules                152    44 6.32e- 3 4.78e- 2
write.csv(FBvsHB_keggRes%>,file="forebrainvshornbudForhorned-ARS_jo-KEGGresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") For polled

FBvsHB_DGE_result <- read_csv("forebrainvshornbudForpolled-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

FBvsHB_entrezID_DEG <- FBvsHB_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 109 Go entrichment analysis
FBvsHB_goRes <- goana(FBvsHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

FBvsHB_goRes <- FBvsHB_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

FBvsHB_goRes%>%print(n= dim(FBvsHB_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 13 x 7
##    goid      Term                            Ont       N    DE      P.DE    adjP
##    <chr>     <chr>                           <chr> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 GO:00055… extracellular region            CC      546    16   1.08e-7 0.00152
##  2 GO:00484… platelet-derived growth factor… MF        4     3   7.65e-7 0.00541
##  3 GO:00015… ossification                    BP       80     6   7.19e-6 0.0260 
##  4 GO:00198… growth factor binding           MF       22     4   7.34e-6 0.0260 
##  5 GO:00487… system development              BP      788    16   1.28e-5 0.0263 
##  6 GO:00422… response to chemical            BP      787    16   1.26e-5 0.0263 
##  7 GO:00055… protein binding                 MF     1383    22   1.30e-5 0.0263 
##  8 GO:00485… animal organ development        BP      544    13   1.67e-5 0.0296 
##  9 GO:00072… multicellular organism develop… BP      920    17   2.26e-5 0.0355 
## 10 GO:00708… cellular response to chemical … BP      578    13   3.15e-5 0.0366 
## 11 GO:00702… protein heterotrimerization     BP        2     2   3.36e-5 0.0366 
## 12 GO:00331… V(D)J recombination             BP        2     2   3.36e-5 0.0366 
## 13 GO:00443… non-sequence-specific DNA bind… MF        2     2   3.36e-5 0.0366
write.csv(FBvsHB_goRes%>,file="forebrainvshornbudForpolled-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
FBvsHB_keggRes <- kegga(FBvsHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

FBvsHB_keggRes <- FBvsHB_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

FBvsHB_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(FBvsHB_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 5 x 6
##   keggid        Pathway                              N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##   <chr>         <chr>                            <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 path:bta05034 Alcoholism                         195    17 1.39e-15 4.61e-13
## 2 path:bta05322 Systemic lupus erythematosus       150    14 2.01e-13 3.35e-11
## 3 path:bta05203 Viral carcinogenesis               213    15 1.66e-12 1.84e-10
## 4 path:bta04512 ECM-receptor interaction            80     6 7.16e- 6 5.96e- 4
## 5 path:bta04974 Protein digestion and absorption   113     5 5.19e- 4 3.46e- 2

1.4.3 midbrain vs forebrain For horned

MBvsFB_DGE_result <- read_csv("midbrainvsforebrainForhorned-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

MBvsFB_entrezID_DEG <- MBvsFB_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 83 Go entrichment analysis
MBvsFB_goRes <- goana(MBvsFB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

MBvsFB_goRes <- MBvsFB_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsFB_goRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsFB_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 0 x 7
## # … with 7 variables: goid <chr>, Term <chr>, Ont <chr>, N <dbl>, DE <dbl>,
## #   P.DE <dbl>, adjP <dbl>
write.csv(MBvsFB_goRes%>,file="midbrainvsforebrainForhorned-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
MBvsFB_keggRes <- kegga(MBvsFB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

MBvsFB_keggRes <- MBvsFB_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsFB_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsFB_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 0 x 6
## # … with 6 variables: keggid <chr>, Pathway <chr>, N <dbl>, DE <dbl>,
## #   P.DE <dbl>, adjP <dbl>
write.csv(MBvsFB_keggRes%>,file="midbrainvsforebrainForhorned-ARS_jo-KEGGresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") For polled

MBvsFB_DGE_result <- read_csv("midbrainvsforebrainForpolled-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

MBvsFB_entrezID_DEG <- MBvsFB_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 6 Go entrichment analysis
MBvsFB_goRes <- goana(MBvsFB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

MBvsFB_goRes <- MBvsFB_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%  
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>%

MBvsFB_goRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsFB_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 0 x 7
## # … with 7 variables: goid <chr>, Term <chr>, Ont <chr>, N <dbl>, DE <dbl>,
## #   P.DE <dbl>, adjP <dbl>
write.csv(MBvsFB_goRes%>,file="midbrainvsforebrainForpolled-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
MBvsFB_keggRes <- kegga(FBvsHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

MBvsFB_keggRes <- MBvsFB_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsFB_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsFB_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 5 x 6
##   keggid        Pathway                              N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##   <chr>         <chr>                            <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 path:bta05034 Alcoholism                         195    17 1.39e-15 4.61e-13
## 2 path:bta05322 Systemic lupus erythematosus       150    14 2.01e-13 3.35e-11
## 3 path:bta05203 Viral carcinogenesis               213    15 1.66e-12 1.84e-10
## 4 path:bta04512 ECM-receptor interaction            80     6 7.16e- 6 5.96e- 4
## 5 path:bta04974 Protein digestion and absorption   113     5 5.19e- 4 3.46e- 2

1.4.4 hornbud vs frontal_skin For horned

HBvsFS_DGE_result <- read_csv("hornbudvsfrontal_skinForhorned-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

HBvsFS_entrezID_DEG <- HBvsFS_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 90 Go entrichment analysis
HBvsFS_goRes <- goana(HBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

HBvsFS_goRes <- HBvsFS_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

HBvsFS_goRes%>%print(n= dim(HBvsFS_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 0 x 7
## # … with 7 variables: goid <chr>, Term <chr>, Ont <chr>, N <dbl>, DE <dbl>,
## #   P.DE <dbl>, adjP <dbl>
write.csv(HBvsFS_goRes%>,file="hornbudvsfrontal_skinForhorned-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
HBvsFS_keggRes <- kegga(HBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

HBvsFS_keggRes <- HBvsFS_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

HBvsFS_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(HBvsFS_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 0 x 6
## # … with 6 variables: keggid <chr>, Pathway <chr>, N <dbl>, DE <dbl>,
## #   P.DE <dbl>, adjP <dbl>
write.csv(HBvsFS_keggRes%>,file="hornbudvsfrontal_skinForhorned-ARS_jo-KEGGresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") For polled

HBvsFS_DGE_result <- read_csv("hornbudvsfrontal_skinForpolled-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

HBvsFS_entrezID_DEG <- HBvsFS_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 1 Go entrichment analysis
HBvsFS_goRes <- goana(HBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

HBvsFS_goRes <- HBvsFS_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

HBvsFS_goRes%>%print(n= dim(HBvsFS_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 0 x 7
## # … with 7 variables: goid <chr>, Term <chr>, Ont <chr>, N <dbl>, DE <dbl>,
## #   P.DE <dbl>, adjP <dbl>
write.csv(HBvsFS_goRes%>,file="hornbudvsfrontal_skinForpolled-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
HBvsFS_keggRes <- kegga(HBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

HBvsFS_keggRes <- HBvsFS_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

HBvsFS_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(HBvsFS_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 0 x 6
## # … with 6 variables: keggid <chr>, Pathway <chr>, N <dbl>, DE <dbl>,
## #   P.DE <dbl>, adjP <dbl>

1.4.5 midbrain vs frontal_skin For horned

MBvsFS_DGE_result <- read_csv("midbrainvsfrontal_skinForhorned-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

MBvsFS_entrezID_DEG <- MBvsFS_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 3076 Go entrichment analysis
MBvsFS_goRes <- goana(MBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

MBvsFS_goRes <- MBvsFS_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsFS_goRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsFS_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 5 x 7
##   goid       Term                           Ont       N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##   <chr>      <chr>                          <chr> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 GO:0005576 extracellular region           CC      546   160 1.84e-14 2.60e-10
## 2 GO:0007600 sensory perception             BP      114    43 3.54e- 8 1.67e- 4
## 3 GO:0005615 extracellular space            CC      243    74 3.54e- 8 1.67e- 4
## 4 GO:0050877 nervous system process         BP      169    51 5.96e- 6 2.10e- 2
## 5 GO:0007218 neuropeptide signaling pathway BP       25    14 7.42e- 6 2.10e- 2
write.csv(MBvsFS_goRes%>,file="midbrainvsfrontal_skinForhorned-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
MBvsFS_keggRes <- kegga(MBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

MBvsFS_keggRes <- MBvsFS_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsFS_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsFS_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 43 x 6
##    keggid      Pathway                                 N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>       <chr>                               <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 path:bta04… Neuroactive ligand-receptor intera…   345   139 1.30e-26 4.32e-24
##  2 path:bta00… Steroid hormone biosynthesis           70    40 1.05e-14 1.76e-12
##  3 path:bta00… Retinol metabolism                     65    38 1.76e-14 1.95e-12
##  4 path:bta04… Complement and coagulation cascades    83    43 1.16e-13 9.64e-12
##  5 path:bta04… Protein digestion and absorption      113    47 1.78e-10 1.19e- 8
##  6 path:bta05… Staphylococcus aureus infection       101    43 4.34e-10 2.41e- 8
##  7 path:bta05… Chemical carcinogenesis                77    35 2.18e- 9 1.04e- 7
##  8 path:bta00… Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450      60    29 9.08e- 9 3.78e- 7
##  9 path:bta05… Nicotine addiction                     36    21 1.39e- 8 5.16e- 7
## 10 path:bta00… Arachidonic acid metabolism            78    33 5.44e- 8 1.81e- 6
## 11 path:bta04… Bile secretion                         94    37 8.52e- 8 2.58e- 6
## 12 path:bta05… Graft-versus-host disease              56    26 1.47e- 7 4.09e- 6
## 13 path:bta04… Cytokine-cytokine receptor interac…   296    83 2.91e- 7 7.46e- 6
## 14 path:bta00… Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytoc…    66    28 5.10e- 7 1.21e- 5
## 15 path:bta00… Linoleic acid metabolism               33    18 6.08e- 7 1.35e- 5
## 16 path:bta00… Drug metabolism - other enzymes        75    30 9.27e- 7 1.93e- 5
## 17 path:bta04… Hematopoietic cell lineage            103    36 3.59e- 6 7.03e- 5
## 18 path:bta00… Tyrosine metabolism                    38    18 8.57e- 6 1.58e- 4
## 19 path:bta04… Fat digestion and absorption           49    21 1.10e- 5 1.85e- 4
## 20 path:bta05… Autoimmune thyroid disease             60    24 1.11e- 5 1.85e- 4
## 21 path:bta00… Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism      23    13 1.37e- 5 2.18e- 4
## 22 path:bta05… Inflammatory bowel disease             69    26 1.73e- 5 2.62e- 4
## 23 path:bta04… Type I diabetes mellitus               54    22 1.82e- 5 2.63e- 4
## 24 path:bta04… Natural killer cell mediated cytot…   133    41 2.66e- 5 3.69e- 4
## 25 path:bta02… ABC transporters                       56    22 3.57e- 5 4.76e- 4
## 26 path:bta04… Ovarian steroidogenesis                57    22 4.92e- 5 6.30e- 4
## 27 path:bta00… Pentose and glucuronate interconve…    30    14 1.06e- 4 1.31e- 3
## 28 path:bta05… Rheumatoid arthritis                   98    30 3.47e- 4 4.13e- 3
## 29 path:bta04… Maturity onset diabetes of the you…    26    12 3.75e- 4 4.31e- 3
## 30 path:bta04… Prolactin signaling pathway            83    26 5.67e- 4 6.29e- 3
## 31 path:bta04… Cell adhesion molecules               152    41 6.52e- 4 6.79e- 3
## 32 path:bta05… Allograft rejection                    50    18 6.32e- 4 6.79e- 3
## 33 path:bta04… Inflammatory mediator regulation o…    97    28 1.48e- 3 1.49e- 2
## 34 path:bta00… alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism        26    11 1.59e- 3 1.56e- 2
## 35 path:bta04… Intestinal immune network for IgA …    54    18 1.76e- 3 1.67e- 2
## 36 path:bta04… Salivary secretion                     91    26 2.51e- 3 2.32e- 2
## 37 path:bta04… Th17 cell differentiation             110    30 2.70e- 3 2.43e- 2
## 38 path:bta00… Glycine, serine and threonine meta…    44    15 3.24e- 3 2.76e- 2
## 39 path:bta04… JAK-STAT signaling pathway            179    44 3.18e- 3 2.76e- 2
## 40 path:bta04… Calcium signaling pathway             195    47 3.56e- 3 2.96e- 2
## 41 path:bta04… Pancreatic secretion                  100    27 4.97e- 3 4.04e- 2
## 42 path:bta00… Porphyrin and chlorophyll metaboli…    38    13 5.75e- 3 4.56e- 2
## 43 path:bta05… Asthma                                 34    12 5.92e- 3 4.59e- 2
write.csv(MBvsFS_keggRes%>,file="midbrainvsfrontal_skinForhorned-ARS_jo-KEGGresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") For polled

MBvsFS_DGE_result <- read_csv("midbrainvsfrontal_skinForpolled-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

MBvsFS_entrezID_DEG <- MBvsFS_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 240 Go entrichment analysis
MBvsFS_goRes <- goana(MBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

MBvsFS_goRes <- MBvsFS_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsFS_goRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsFS_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 20 x 7
##    goid      Term                          Ont       N    DE       P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>     <chr>                         <chr> <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 GO:00015… ossification                  BP       80    11    5.89e-9  8.34e-5
##  2 GO:00312… biomineral tissue development BP       44     8    7.74e-8  3.65e-4
##  3 GO:01101… biomineralization             BP       44     8    7.74e-8  3.65e-4
##  4 GO:00015… skeletal system development   BP       78     9    6.82e-7  2.41e-3
##  5 GO:00426… muscle cell differentiation   BP       62     8    1.21e-6  3.43e-3
##  6 GO:00512… cartilage development         BP       36     6    5.89e-6  1.39e-2
##  7 GO:00055… extracellular region          CC      546    21    8.04e-6  1.46e-2
##  8 GO:00484… platelet-derived growth fact… MF        4     3    8.25e-6  1.46e-2
##  9 GO:00610… muscle structure development  BP      113     9    1.51e-5  1.95e-2
## 10 GO:00302… regulation of ossification    BP       41     6    1.29e-5  1.95e-2
## 11 GO:00076… sensory perception of sound   BP       25     5    1.43e-5  1.95e-2
## 12 GO:00098… animal organ morphogenesis    BP      145    10    1.81e-5  2.01e-2
## 13 GO:00509… sensory perception of mechan… BP       27     5    2.13e-5  2.01e-2
## 14 GO:00019… endochondral ossification     BP        5     3    2.04e-5  2.01e-2
## 15 GO:00360… replacement ossification      BP        5     3    2.04e-5  2.01e-2
## 16 GO:00485… animal organ development      BP      544    20    2.54e-5  2.15e-2
## 17 GO:00098… tissue development            BP      331    15    2.59e-5  2.15e-2
## 18 GO:00511… striated muscle cell differe… BP       49     6    3.68e-5  2.60e-2
## 19 GO:00302… bone mineralization           BP       30     5    3.65e-5  2.60e-2
## 20 GO:00614… connective tissue development BP       49     6    3.68e-5  2.60e-2
write.csv(MBvsFS_goRes%>,file="midbrainvsfrontal_skinForpolled-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
MBvsFS_keggRes <- kegga(MBvsFS_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

MBvsFS_keggRes <- MBvsFS_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsFS_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsFS_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 4 x 6
##   keggid        Pathway                              N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##   <chr>         <chr>                            <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 path:bta04740 Olfactory transduction             983    59 5.26e-24 1.75e-21
## 2 path:bta04512 ECM-receptor interaction            80    10 7.43e- 8 1.24e- 5
## 3 path:bta04974 Protein digestion and absorption   113     9 1.50e- 5 1.67e- 3
## 4 path:bta04510 Focal adhesion                     192    11 3.89e- 5 3.24e- 3

1.4.6 midbrain vs hornbud For horned

MBvsHB_DGE_result <- read_csv("midbrainvshornbudForhorned-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

MBvsHB_entrezID_DEG <- MBvsHB_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 4585 Go entrichment analysis
MBvsHB_goRes <- goana(MBvsHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

MBvsHB_goRes <- MBvsHB_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsHB_goRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsHB_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 11 x 7
##    goid       Term                           Ont       N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>      <chr>                          <chr> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 GO:0005576 extracellular region           CC      546   221 4.89e-17 6.92e-13
##  2 GO:0005882 intermediate filament          CC       45    32 5.75e-11 4.07e- 7
##  3 GO:0005615 extracellular space            CC      243   105 1.01e-10 4.77e- 7
##  4 GO:0045111 intermediate filament cytoske… CC       49    33 2.86e-10 1.01e- 6
##  5 GO:0007601 visual perception              BP       63    35 1.26e- 7 2.97e- 4
##  6 GO:0050953 sensory perception of light s… BP       63    35 1.26e- 7 2.97e- 4
##  7 GO:0007600 sensory perception             BP      114    53 2.52e- 7 5.10e- 4
##  8 GO:0019835 cytolysis                      BP       17    14 8.64e- 7 1.53e- 3
##  9 GO:0050877 nervous system process         BP      169    69 1.94e- 6 3.04e- 3
## 10 GO:0003796 lysozyme activity              MF       12    10 3.08e- 5 3.97e- 2
## 11 GO:0061783 peptidoglycan muralytic activ… MF       12    10 3.08e- 5 3.97e- 2
write.csv(MBvsHB_goRes%>,file="midbrainvshornbudForhorned-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
MBvsHB_keggRes <- kegga(MBvsHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") 
# for KEGG pathway

MBvsHB_keggRes <- MBvsHB_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsHB_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsHB_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 51 x 6
##    keggid     Pathway                                  N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>      <chr>                                <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 path:bta0… Neuroactive ligand-receptor interac…   345   175 2.64e-26 8.79e-24
##  2 path:bta0… Staphylococcus aureus infection        101    68 1.03e-19 1.71e-17
##  3 path:bta0… Cytokine-cytokine receptor interact…   296   135 1.23e-15 1.37e-13
##  4 path:bta0… Steroid hormone biosynthesis            70    47 5.49e-14 4.57e-12
##  5 path:bta0… Protein digestion and absorption       113    60 5.48e-11 3.04e- 9
##  6 path:bta0… Chemical carcinogenesis                 77    46 4.66e-11 3.04e- 9
##  7 path:bta0… Retinol metabolism                      65    40 2.38e-10 1.13e- 8
##  8 path:bta0… Natural killer cell mediated cytoto…   133    66 2.90e-10 1.18e- 8
##  9 path:bta0… Graft-versus-host disease               56    36 3.20e-10 1.18e- 8
## 10 path:bta0… Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450       60    37 1.03e- 9 3.43e- 8
## 11 path:bta0… Nicotine addiction                      36    26 2.14e- 9 6.49e- 8
## 12 path:bta0… Arachidonic acid metabolism             78    43 6.32e- 9 1.76e- 7
## 13 path:bta0… Complement and coagulation cascades     83    44 2.09e- 8 5.34e- 7
## 14 path:bta0… Olfactory transduction                 983   314 3.26e- 8 7.75e- 7
## 15 path:bta0… Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytoch…    66    37 3.93e- 8 8.72e- 7
## 16 path:bta0… Linoleic acid metabolism                33    23 5.47e- 8 1.14e- 6
## 17 path:bta0… Fat digestion and absorption            49    29 2.36e- 7 4.63e- 6
## 18 path:bta0… Type I diabetes mellitus                54    29 3.72e- 6 6.88e- 5
## 19 path:bta0… Hematopoietic cell lineage             103    46 5.83e- 6 1.02e- 4
## 20 path:bta0… Inflammatory bowel disease              69    34 7.04e- 6 1.17e- 4
## 21 path:bta0… JAK-STAT signaling pathway             179    70 9.58e- 6 1.52e- 4
## 22 path:bta0… Tyrosine metabolism                     38    22 1.12e- 5 1.69e- 4
## 23 path:bta0… Viral protein interaction with cyto…    91    41 1.42e- 5 2.00e- 4
## 24 path:bta0… Bile secretion                          94    42 1.44e- 5 2.00e- 4
## 25 path:bta0… Autoimmune thyroid disease              60    30 1.67e- 5 2.22e- 4
## 26 path:bta0… Drug metabolism - other enzymes         75    35 2.34e- 5 3.00e- 4
## 27 path:bta0… Allograft rejection                     50    26 2.50e- 5 3.09e- 4
## 28 path:bta0… Salivary secretion                      91    40 3.62e- 5 4.31e- 4
## 29 path:bta0… Maturity onset diabetes of the young    26    16 6.45e- 5 7.41e- 4
## 30 path:bta0… Amoebiasis                             107    44 1.06e- 4 1.18e- 3
## 31 path:bta0… Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism       23    14 2.21e- 4 2.37e- 3
## 32 path:bta0… Rheumatoid arthritis                    98    40 2.58e- 4 2.68e- 3
## 33 path:bta0… alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism         26    15 3.01e- 4 3.04e- 3
## 34 path:bta0… Antigen processing and presentation     80    33 6.88e- 4 6.74e- 3
## 35 path:bta0… ABC transporters                        56    25 7.60e- 4 7.23e- 3
## 36 path:bta0… Estrogen signaling pathway             129    48 8.43e- 4 7.80e- 3
## 37 path:bta0… Pancreatic secretion                   100    39 8.89e- 4 8.00e- 3
## 38 path:bta0… Intestinal immune network for IgA p…    54    24 1.04e- 3 8.89e- 3
## 39 path:bta0… Ovarian steroidogenesis                 57    25 1.04e- 3 8.89e- 3
## 40 path:bta0… Asthma                                  34    17 1.12e- 3 9.37e- 3
## 41 path:bta0… Ether lipid metabolism                  50    22 1.94e- 3 1.52e- 2
## 42 path:bta0… Calcium signaling pathway              195    66 1.97e- 3 1.52e- 2
## 43 path:bta0… Tuberculosis                           188    64 1.94e- 3 1.52e- 2
## 44 path:bta0… Pentose and glucuronate interconver…    30    15 2.18e- 3 1.65e- 2
## 45 path:bta0… Primary immunodeficiency                39    18 2.57e- 3 1.90e- 2
## 46 path:bta0… Cell adhesion molecules                152    52 4.34e- 3 3.08e- 2
## 47 path:bta0… Phototransduction                       26    13 4.27e- 3 3.08e- 2
## 48 path:bta0… cAMP signaling pathway                 219    71 4.64e- 3 3.22e- 2
## 49 path:bta0… Phenylalanine metabolism                24    12 5.98e- 3 4.05e- 2
## 50 path:bta0… Insulin secretion                       83    31 6.08e- 3 4.05e- 2
## 51 path:bta0… Carbohydrate digestion and absorpti…    42    18 6.77e- 3 4.42e- 2
write.csv(MBvsHB_keggRes%>,file="midbrainvshornbudForhorned-ARS_jo-KEGGresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") For polled

MBvsHB_DGE_result <- read_csv("midbrainvshornbudForpolled-ARS_jo-DEG_all.csv")
  mutate(Sig = adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1,
         Direction = case_when(
            Sig & logFC > 1 ~ "Up",
            Sig & logFC < -1 ~ "Down",
            !Sig ~ "Unchanged"))%>%
    ggplot(aes(logFC, -log10(P.Value), colour = Direction)) +
    geom_point() +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("blue", "grey", "red")) +
    labs(y = "-log10(p)") +

MBvsHB_entrezID_DEG <- MBvsHB_DGE_result%>%
  dplyr::filter(adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1)%>%>%
  left_join(data_genesGR, by = c("gene_id" = "gene_id"))%>%
  .[["entrezid"]] %>%
  unlist() %>%
  unique() %>%

## [1] 193 Go entrichment analysis
MBvsHB_goRes <- goana(MBvsHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt")

MBvsHB_goRes <- MBvsHB_goRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("goid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>%

MBvsHB_goRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsHB_goRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 36 x 7
##    goid     Term                             Ont       N    DE     P.DE     adjP
##    <chr>    <chr>                            <chr> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 GO:0001… ossification                     BP       80    11 5.94e-10  2.80e-6
##  2 GO:0031… biomineral tissue development    BP       44     9 5.68e-10  2.80e-6
##  3 GO:0110… biomineralization                BP       44     9 5.68e-10  2.80e-6
##  4 GO:0005… extracellular region             CC      546    24 2.29e- 9  8.11e-6
##  5 GO:0009… tissue development               BP      331    16 3.53e- 7  9.99e-4
##  6 GO:0030… bone mineralization              BP       30     6 5.37e- 7  1.27e-3
##  7 GO:0032… developmental process            BP     1123    29 4.49e- 6  5.29e-3
##  8 GO:0050… epithelial cell proliferation    BP       89     8 3.82e- 6  5.29e-3
##  9 GO:0048… animal organ development         BP      544    19 3.76e- 6  5.29e-3
## 10 GO:0009… animal organ morphogenesis       BP      145    10 2.66e- 6  5.29e-3
## 11 GO:0030… regulation of ossification       BP       41     6 3.70e- 6  5.29e-3
## 12 GO:0048… platelet-derived growth factor … MF        4     3 4.29e- 6  5.29e-3
## 13 GO:0048… system development               BP      788    23 6.94e- 6  7.41e-3
## 14 GO:0048… anatomical structure development BP     1028    27 7.33e- 6  7.41e-3
## 15 GO:0007… multicellular organism developm… BP      920    25 9.28e- 6  8.29e-3
## 16 GO:0040… growth                           BP      167    10 9.37e- 6  8.29e-3
## 17 GO:0001… endochondral ossification        BP        5     3 1.06e- 5  8.36e-3
## 18 GO:0036… replacement ossification         BP        5     3 1.06e- 5  8.36e-3
## 19 GO:0032… multicellular organismal process BP     1326    31 1.49e- 5  1.11e-2
## 20 GO:0009… anatomical structure morphogene… BP      445    16 1.59e- 5  1.12e-2
## 21 GO:0042… regulation of cell population p… BP      267    12 2.22e- 5  1.44e-2
## 22 GO:0061… muscle structure development     BP      113     8 2.25e- 5  1.44e-2
## 23 GO:0030… regulation of bone mineralizati… BP       19     4 3.76e- 5  2.31e-2
## 24 GO:0030… extracellular matrix organizati… BP       39     5 4.79e- 5  2.51e-2
## 25 GO:0070… regulation of biomineral tissue… BP       20     4 4.67e- 5  2.51e-2
## 26 GO:0110… regulation of biomineralization  BP       20     4 4.67e- 5  2.51e-2
## 27 GO:0005… extracellular space              CC      243    11 4.59e- 5  2.51e-2
## 28 GO:0043… extracellular structure organiz… BP       40     5 5.43e- 5  2.74e-2
## 29 GO:0008… cell population proliferation    BP      344    13 6.13e- 5  2.99e-2
## 30 GO:0032… collagen metabolic process       BP       23     4 8.32e- 5  3.92e-2
## 31 GO:0060… endochondral bone morphogenesis  BP        9     3 8.66e- 5  3.95e-2
## 32 GO:0045… positive regulation of growth    BP       45     5 9.68e- 5  4.03e-2
## 33 GO:0008… negative regulation of cell pop… BP      103     7 9.56e- 5  4.03e-2
## 34 GO:0048… developmental growth             BP      103     7 9.56e- 5  4.03e-2
## 35 GO:0070… protein heterotrimerization      BP        2     2 1.06e- 4  4.16e-2
## 36 GO:0045… gamma-catenin binding            MF        2     2 1.06e- 4  4.16e-2
write.csv(MBvsHB_goRes%>,file="midbrainvshornbudForpolled-ARS_jo-GOresults_p0.05_lfc1.csv") KEGG entrichment analysis
MBvsHB_keggRes <- kegga(MBvsHB_entrezID_DEG, ALL_entrezID, species = "Bt") # for KEGG pathway

MBvsHB_keggRes <- MBvsHB_keggRes %>% 
  rownames_to_column("keggid") %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(P.DE, method = "fdr"))%>%
  subset(adjP < 0.05) %>%
  arrange(adjP) %>% 

MBvsHB_keggRes%>%print(n= dim(MBvsHB_keggRes)[1])
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
##   keggid        Pathway                              N    DE     P.DE       adjP
##   <chr>         <chr>                            <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 path:bta04512 ECM-receptor interaction            80    11 5.90e-10    1.96e-7
## 2 path:bta04974 Protein digestion and absorption   113    10 2.65e- 7    4.41e-5
## 3 path:bta04510 Focal adhesion                     192    11 5.06e- 6    5.62e-4
## 4 path:bta04151 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway         354    13 8.13e- 5    6.77e-3
## 5 path:bta05165 Human papillomavirus infection     329    12 1.63e- 4    1.09e-2
## 6 path:bta04740 Olfactory transduction             983    23 2.06e- 4    1.14e-2

2 Appendix

## R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.4
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRblas.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
## [8] methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] ensembldb_2.12.1        AnnotationFilter_1.12.0 GenomicFeatures_1.40.1 
##  [4] AnnotationDbi_1.50.3    Biobase_2.48.0          GenomicRanges_1.40.0   
##  [7] GenomeInfoDb_1.24.2     IRanges_2.22.2          S4Vectors_0.26.1       
## [10] tidyr_1.1.1             GOfuncR_1.8.0           vioplot_0.3.5          
## [13] zoo_1.8-8               sm_2.2-5.6              biomaRt_2.44.1         
## [16] magrittr_1.5            AnnotationHub_2.20.2    BiocFileCache_1.12.1   
## [19] dbplyr_1.4.4            BiocGenerics_0.34.0     tibble_3.0.3           
## [22] limma_3.44.3            ggrepel_0.8.2           pander_0.6.3           
## [25] dplyr_1.0.2             ggplot2_3.3.2           readr_1.3.1            
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] ProtGenerics_1.20.0           matrixStats_0.56.0           
##  [3] bitops_1.0-6                  bit64_4.0.2                  
##  [5] progress_1.2.2                httr_1.4.2                   
##  [7] tools_4.0.2                   utf8_1.1.4                   
##  [9] R6_2.4.1                      lazyeval_0.2.2               
## [11] DBI_1.1.0                     colorspace_1.4-1             
## [13] withr_2.2.0                   tidyselect_1.1.0             
## [15] prettyunits_1.1.1             bit_4.0.4                    
## [17] curl_4.3                      compiler_4.0.2               
## [19] cli_2.0.2                     DelayedArray_0.14.1          
## [21] labeling_0.3                  rtracklayer_1.48.0           
## [23] bookdown_0.20                 
## [25] scales_1.1.1                  askpass_1.1                  
## [27] rappdirs_0.3.1                stringr_1.4.0                
## [29] digest_0.6.25                 Rsamtools_2.4.0              
## [31] rmarkdown_2.3                 XVector_0.28.0               
## [33] pkgconfig_2.0.3               htmltools_0.5.0              
## [35] fastmap_1.0.1                 rlang_0.4.7                  
## [37] RSQLite_2.2.0                 shiny_1.5.0                  
## [39] farver_2.0.3                  mapplots_1.5.1               
## [41] generics_0.0.2                BiocParallel_1.22.0          
## [43] gtools_3.8.2                  RCurl_1.98-1.2               
## [45] GO.db_3.11.4                  GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.3       
## [47] Matrix_1.2-18                 fansi_0.4.1                  
## [49] Rcpp_1.0.5                    munsell_0.5.0                
## [51] lifecycle_0.2.0               stringi_1.4.6                
## [53] yaml_2.2.1                    SummarizedExperiment_1.18.2  
## [55] zlibbioc_1.34.0               grid_4.0.2                   
## [57] blob_1.2.1                    promises_1.1.1               
## [59] crayon_1.3.4                  lattice_0.20-41              
## [61] Biostrings_2.56.0             hms_0.5.3                    
## [63] knitr_1.29                    pillar_1.4.6                 
## [65] tcltk_4.0.2                   XML_3.99-0.5                 
## [67] glue_1.4.1                    BiocVersion_3.11.1           
## [69] evaluate_0.14                 BiocManager_1.30.10          
## [71] vctrs_0.3.2                   httpuv_1.5.4                 
## [73] gtable_0.3.0                  openssl_1.4.2                
## [75] purrr_0.3.4                   assertthat_0.2.1             
## [77] xfun_0.16                     mime_0.9                     
## [79] xtable_1.8-4                  later_1.1.0.1                
## [81] GenomicAlignments_1.24.0      memoise_1.1.0                
## [83] ellipsis_0.3.1                interactiveDisplayBase_1.26.3