The University of Adelaide

Manthorpe et al. Correlation matrix across the weather parameters summarised over a 15-day prior the report of an acute bovine liver disease event

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posted on 2022-06-17, 04:53 authored by Eve Manthorpe

Correlation matrix across the weather parameters summarised over a 15-day prior the report of an acute bovine liver disease event or the same calendar date the one or two years prior. Reported estimates are pairwise Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r, ranging between -1 and +1). 

Abbreviations: avg, average; cum, cumulative; DP, dewpoint (degrees Celsius; °C); OID, outbreak identification; Odate, outbreak date; PID, property identification; prec, precipitation (millimetres; mm); RH, relative humidity (per cent; %); sol. exp, solar exposure (Joule(s) per square metre; MJ/m2); Tavg, average temperature (degrees Celsius; °C); Tgap, average temperature gap (Tmax-Tmin); Tmax, maximum temperature (degrees Celsius; °C); Tmin, minimum temperature (degrees Celsius; °C); Tmin-DP, average of daily minimum and dewpoint at 9am temperature gap (degrees Celsius; °C); vap. press, vapour pressure (hectopascals; hPa). 


Correlation estimates with a star (*) were significantly different from r = 0.00 at the 5% significance level. Strong (r ≥ 0.67) significant (P < 0.05) positive (r > 0.00) correlations are reported in green, mild to moderate (0 > r < 0.67) significant (P < 0.05) positive (r > 0.00) correlations in clear green, strong (r ≤ -0.67) significant (P < 0.05) negative (r < 0.00) correlations are reported in dark red, mild to moderate (-0.67 > r < 0) significant (P < 0.05) negative (r < 0.00) correlations in weak orange, and non-significant correlation (P > 0.05) correlation in gray. 


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